Did You Really Think The E-Cigarette Was Better?

Check out the health risks your cool e-cig can give you

Image Credit: thefix

Have you tried out the cool e-cigarette that is supposed to be a better version of the actual cigarette and that is probably going to do less harm to your body than the original version? Do your friends smoke it regularly and are you too thinking of getting one?

The fact is, smoking an e-cigarette is not such a ‘healthy’ alternative to smoking a real cigarette after all.

According to research that was done at the New York University School of Medicine in New York City, it was found that smoking e-cigarettes can actually damage the lungs, the heart and also the bladder, which can significantly increase the risk of cancer as well as other heart based diseases.

More and more teens and young adults are today picking up an e-cigarette, in the wrong belief that it won’t cause them any health problems. But unfortunately, that may not be the case.

E-Cigs Are Deadly Too

Smoking an e-cig is not such a health alternative to regular smoking after all

Image Credit: sciencenewsforstudents

Smoking an e-cigarette may not be as harmful as smoking a regular cigarette, but that does not mean that it will be alright to smoke it. Granted, an e-cigarette does not produce the toxic tar or the toxic gases that are created when you smoke a regular cigarette, but the liquid that it does contain is made up of nicotine as well as other flavouring agents. When you ‘smoke’ it, it creates a mist that is not good for your health.

Nicotine Is Toxic

E-cigarettes contain nicotine. If you’re regularly exposed to these, you’re at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, increase in your heart rate as well as higher blood pressure. Regular use can also cause changes in the brain, which can interfere with impulse control and make it difficult to focus and remember.

It Can Get More Difficult To Quit

If you started smoking an e-cigarette thinking that it would help to reduce your real smoking and make it easier for you to quit, you are absolutely wrong. Regularly smoking e-cigarettes can actually put you at a bigger risk of continued smoking, which will eventually make it more and more difficult to quit.

If you’re using e-cigarettes to quit smoking, speak to your doctor first. But if you’re doing it for the fun, it’s best to stop now, before it starts affecting your health.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.