Different Types Of Ayurvedic Treatments And What They Mean – Part II

The holistic Ayurvedic treatments that help get rid of chronic illnesses from their roots.


The Ayurvedic treatments are therapeutic, purificatory and rejuvenating in their effects. Panchakarma treatment consists of five essential therapies, 4 of which were talked about in the last article. Apart from the 5 essential therapies, there are various sub-categories of therapies that aid in both prevention and cure of acute and chronic illnesses.


Netra Tarpan, a time-tested remedy for eye strain and eye disorders
Netra Tarpan, a time-tested remedy for eye strain and eye disorders

Image Credit: ayurindus

Netra Tarpan is the procedure in which warm, medicated ghee or oil is held in a flour compartment that is constructed around the eyes and left in place for a fixed duration. This procedure nourishes the eyes and eye muscles, strengthens the eyes and prevents and cures eye problems like low vision, burning or watering eyes, dry eyes, conjunctivitis and glaucoma.


Virechan therapy aims at expelling increased Pitta element out of the body.
Virechan therapy aims at expelling increased Pitta element out of the body.

Image Credit: vedicus

This treatment stands 2nd among the 5 essential therapies of Ayurveda. Expelling the doshas or toxins through purgation is called Virechan. Medicines that stimulate bowel movements after systematic preparatory procedures are given to the patient. After the toxins are expelled through purgation, a strict diet is to be followed for a period of 4-6 days. This therapy is for diseases like Acidity, Ascites, Skin Disorders, Fistula and Headache.


The application of herbal pastes on skin plays an important role in beauty therapies
The application of herbal pastes on skin plays an important role in beauty therapies

Image Credit: mantradubai

The application of medicinal pastes to affected body parts like knee joints, face, back or the whole body is called “Lepam”. Lepa proves effective in skin diseases like psoriasis, pimples, skin pigmentation, arthritis, joint pain and swelling. The herbal pastes are applied on the affected part and removed before the paste dries up completely. Lepa therapy plays an essential role in beauty therapies.


A regular warm oil massage is the key to a healthy body and mind.
A regular warm oil massage is the key to a healthy body and mind.

Image Credit: srivedamaayu

Abhyanga or oil massage is the application of medicated oils over the body to treat certain health issues or to simply maintain youth, vigour and vitality. Abhyanga is an integral part of the daily routine as explained in Ayurveda, so it should ideally be done on a daily basis. If not, a weekly oil massage is recommended. The benefits of Abhyanga include relief from tiredness, stiffness, maintaining suppleness of skin and boosting the immune system.

There are a lot of other therapies that can be done as part of the Ayurvedic routine. These Ayurvedic therapies affect the person as a whole. You can notice changes on physical, mental and emotional levels. There will be better perception by the senses and you may also experience a healing crisis. All this is indicative of only one thing; the careful study of every disease condition by the ancient sages and a parallel treatment procedure for the same.

Read Also: 9 Ayurvedic Rituals To Kickstart Your Day

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.