Different Types Of Ayurvedic Treatments And What They Mean – Part I

Learn about the holistic Ayurvedic treatments that help get rid of chronic illnesses from their roots.

Different types of Ayurvedic treatments and what they mean

The Ayurvedic science of healing emphasizes on the importance of taking good care of the body, mind and our five senses. There are different therapies that take care of different illnesses and the general effort of every physician is to uproot the illness and its complications, if any.

Here’s an insight into the types of Ayurvedic therapies and their benefits


The precise method of performing Basti Karma
The precise method of performing Basti Karma

Image Credit: waghralkarayurved

Basti karma is expelling body toxins and vitiated doshas by introducing medicated liquids or oils through anus, urethra or vaginal canal. Basti karma is suggested in diseases due to vata dosha. Some of the examples are neuro muscular conditions, joint pain, paralysis, obesity, low back pain, spondylosis, urinary calculi and menstrual problems in women.

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Shirodhara, the treatment in which medicated oils are poured over the forehead
Shirodhara, the treatment in which medicated oils are poured over the forehead

Image Credit: sreechithraayurhome

Perhaps the most known Ayurvedic procedure in which a stream of warm, medicated oils or decoctions like Brahmi oil or buttermilk are gently and continuously poured over the forehead. This therapy is used to prevent and treat psychosomatic disorders and disorders affecting the head and sense organs. Head is considered as the remote control of the body hence, the control station needs nourishment from time-to-time to prevent mental illnesses.


Nasya therapy increases the strength of all organs of the upper body
Nasya therapy increases the strength of all organs of the upper body

Image Credit: ayurgreen

The administration of herbal liquids or medicated oils through the nasal route is called nasya. Through this method, the vitiated doshas which are accumulated in the area above the neck are expelled out through the nose and mouth via nasal and oral secretions. There are various ways of administering nasya therapy; nasya with medicated oils, squeezed juice of herbs, fine powders of herbs and fumes of medicinal herbs.
Nasya therapy cures headache, vision problems, migraine, stiff neck, sinusitis, hoarseness of voice, hairfall, graying of hair and nervous system disorders.

Read Also: Ayurvedic Remedies For Cough


A herbal powder massage is done against the direction of body hair, that is upwards
A herbal powder massage is done against the direction of body hair, that is upwards

Image Credit: gocresorts

Udvartan helps in reducing excess Kapha dosha (thus helping in weight loss) and liquefies and mobilizes morbid fat / adipose tissue. It provides stability to the body and rejuvenates the skin, helps the skin get rid of dead cells and restores youth by inducing freshness.

The ubatan is raja-dominant and associated with the absolute Fire element. It thus bestows the body with good energy, apart from curbing other skin-related problems.


Vamana is one of the most effective therapies that helps get rid of tough illnesses
Vamana is one of the most effective therapies that helps get rid of tough illnesses

Image Credit: prakruthiayurveda

Expelling the doshas through the oral route is called Vamana. Before the actual procedure, the vitiated doshas are brought to the stomach by the preparatory methods like regular whole body oil massage followed by a steam bath. This liquefies the doshas and brings them to the stomach which can later be expelled by administering concoctions for vomiting.

Vamana therapy is suggested in diseases which mainly involve kapha dosha. Some of the best examples are cough, asthma, skin diseases (psoriasis), sinusitis, and digestion problems.

The description of other Ayurvedic therapies to follow in the next article.

Read Also: Different Types Of Ayurvedic Treatments And What They Mean – Part II

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