Do This Before Getting Into A Marathon

If you’re gearing up for the big runs, these tips from a regular marathoner can help

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As the weather is changing, we’re nearing towards the last months of the year, a time when a lot of marathons are organized.

These days, more and more people are signing up for marathons, which can be a great thing to do, provided you keep a few things in mind that can help you take better care of yourself and prevent the risk of injuries.

It Starts In Your Head

Even before you will actually tie up your shoes and get to the start line, you will already start running a marathon in your head. More than any other method that you try out, it is the voice in your head and the faith you can have in yourself that will help you go there and give it your best.

Have faith in yourself

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Alka Rao Yadav is mentor, inspiration and guide to many, and is a Premium Fitness Consultant with SQUATS, an online fitness portal. She is a regular finisher at most marathons and runs through sun, rain or humidity almost every single day, and is also an inspiration and mentor to those who are trying to get fitter and healthier. Alka has also been a contestant in the Mrs India Worldwide beauty pageant.

She feels that irrespective of the goal, the first and foremost that you need to have is faith in yourself that you can do it.

Keep Small Goals

Make a nutrition and training plan and follow this religiously, says Alka. What you eat and how you train for the weeks and sometimes even months before you actually run in the marathon can have a huge impact on your overall performance. Don’t jump to big goals, this can make it difficult to keep up. Maintain small goals, such as new healthy additions to your diet instead of suddenly completely changing your diet, increasing running distance gradually instead of suddenly running a lot and then giving up.

Set Up A Routine

Having a routine for every day will help you use your body to the maximum, without losing your energy or without wasting time and opportunity that you could use in a better way. Alka feels that one way you can make sure you are practising enough is to keep running and clocking miles. This should be a part of your routine, and just as you will have running and exercising days, you also have to give dedicated time each day for a rest day.

Once you get into marathon training, it can impact your overall lifestyle because of the changes you will bring in to your daily routine. Healthier eating habits and regular exercise can take you a long way, so make sure you’re ready in time.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.