Do You Know Why You Should Drink Warm Water During Summer?

Drinking warm water even when the weather is hot, can actually be good for your health


Come summer and you are probably already reaching out for that glass of cool water from the fridge.

If yes, stop a moment and read this!

Water of course is very beneficial for our overall health and is one of the most important ways in which your body flushes out the toxins and helps you to naturally go on a detox mode.

But warm or cool or cold water – what is better?

If you are actually looking at drinking water for more health reasons and not only to quench your thirst, you should reach out for a glass of warm water, instead of cold water. Here’s why.

1. Helps To Absorb The Nutrients Better

When you drink cold water, your body first has to work towards bringing your body’s overall temperature back to its normal range, and as a result, it is not able to absorb the nutrients that you are getting from the water as well as from other foods that you may be consuming along with water.

2. Improves Your Digestive System And Metabolism

When you have cold water, it can constrict your blood vessels, and as a result, your entire digestive system works slower than it otherwise would. This means that your metabolism also slows down and becomes poor. Drinking warm water will improve your metabolism and help in better digestion.

3. Helps To Actually Cool Your Body Down When It Gets Too Hot Outside

This may sound like really contrasting, but when you drink warm water as the temperature starts to rise, it actually helps to cool your body down and make you feel better and less hot. According to Professor Peter McNaughton, neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge, when you drink anything hot, such as warm water, your body’s overall temperature rises and you start to sweat faster, and this evaporating sweat makes your body cool down.

This is one of the best natural detox – for a flatter stomach and a healthier body

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Drinking warm water even twice a day can pull out the impurities from your body and flush them out, helping you to lose weight and get more energy as well. Also, if you are following a particular diet or are exercising regularly, this will also help your abs get flatter, faster.

In addition, this is also a great way to relieve constipation, which may often be a problem during summers, when our bodies tend to become dehydrated.

Read Also: Drinking Water Helps You Stay Healthy, Here’s How

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.