Does Alcohol Help You Sleep Better?

It’s exactly the opposite!

Does Alcohol Help You Sleep Better?

It’s likely that most of the times you had a good amount of drink at night, it made you feel all relaxed and sleepy and drowsy.

But does that mean that drinking alcohol can also help you sleep better?

A lot of people feel that having a glass or two of wine especially before bedtime can help them sleep better. But the truth is that, even though it may make you feel more relaxed, it can interfere with your body’s regular sleep pattern and have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep, as well as on the overall hours that you sleep.

4 ways alcohol actually disrupts your sleep

Poor sleep quality

Drinking alcohol closer to your bedtime can actually make you dehydrated, which makes you wake up in the middle of your sleep and interrupts your sleep quality. It also prevents you from getting deep sleep, resulting in light sleep that can make you feel tired once you wake up in the morning. As alcohol is a diuretic, it increases your trips to the bathroom.

Alcohol can increase and intensify your snoring

Worsens sleep apnoea

Those who already suffer from sleep apnoea can make their condition worse by adding alcohol to the bedtime routine. Sleep apnoea is a condition in which your airway gets obstructed and leads to problem in breathing, which interrupts your sleep. Alcohol makes the airways narrower and makes it more difficult for you to breathe, also increasing and intensifying your snoring.

Wake up feeling tired

With poor sleep quality and disturbed breathing, it is obvious that you will wake up feeling tired. In addition, drinking alcohol at night suppresses the release of a chemical known as vasopressin, which helps the kidneys to absorb the water instead of sending it to your bladder. This means you wake up multiple times to go to the washroom.

Causes night sweats

Alcohol can bring down your body’s core temperature, and then increase it again. Initially when you consume alcohol, it helps your body to cool down, which makes you feel drowsy and lets you fall asleep. However, once the effect of the alcohol starts to reduce, the body fights it off by raising the body temperature, and leads to night sweats.

Read Also: How Does Alcohol Affect Your Brain?

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