How To Stop Feeling Insecure In A Relationship?

Because insecurity can ruin a relationship forever!

How To Stop Feeling Insecure In A Relationship?

Has insecurity in your relationship started weighing heavily towards your side of the scales? Are you feeling totally out of balance in your relationship because of it? Well, nothing to worry as we all go through such insecure phases in our life. The good thing about it is many of these experiences shape our ability to trust ourselves.

Well, it’s time to reflect on how you can strengthen your own self esteem and how to be a more attractive romantic partner and most importantly a happier human being.

Here are some ways to overcome the insecure feelings in your relationship:

Stop imagining the worst by taking control of your imagination

Billy Bob Thornton’s marriage to Angelina Jolie played on his insecurities

Try to think about the better aspects of your relationships. Don’t keep wondering about what will happen if your partner ever dumps you or hangs out without you. Just remember that your partner fell in love with you because you’re a great person to be with. Avoid overthinking situations that don’t necessarily exist in real.

Billy Bob Thornton – one of Angelina Jolie’s ex-husbands, shared his thoughts on his own relationship with Jolie. His comments made it seem like the split came because of his insecurities. Speaking during an interview with GQ magazine, he said, “I never felt good enough for her. Jolie was meeting with a lot of important people at the time — ambassadors of the United Nations, the president or adoption agencies — while I enjoyed staying out of the limelight. This was another contributing factor to the demise of our relationship because I was real uncomfortable around rich and important people.”

Stop reading your partner’s mind

If you’ve a habit of trying to read mind of your partner then you need to stop that immediately. Give your partner some space. Learn how to relax and feel secure instead. For example, when you both are together and imagine a silent moment that occurs; well, don’t break the moment by asking, “What are you thinking?”. There’s no need to break a silent moment.

Stop stressing yourself out

You may not know this, but it is true that your thoughts affect your relationship. Don’t ever let negative questions engulf your mind like, “Why would someone ever love me?” or, “I know they’ll get tired of me someday”, or “How could they ever love me?”. Just escape the fear of feeling rejected and mend the damage it causes to relationships.

Don’t over exaggerate things

Checking your partner’s phone, texts, emails is not cool!

Let’s be practical! Each and everyone of us has friends of opposite gender. If your partner is very friendly and talks a lot with their friend of opposite sex, that doesn’t mean something is cooking between them. Don’t tempt yourself to check your partner’s phone, Facebook messages, email, etc. If you don’t find anything fishy, it may temporarily calm you but, that may become addictive.

All said and done, you might feel insecure in your relationship, despite following all those preventive ways.You definitely will, however, it only needs a good amount of willpower, self-control, and trust on your love and relationship to overcome it. Remember, nothing is impossible.

Read Also: What Should Your Real Relationship Goals Be Like?