Does Drinking Carbonated Water Cause Weight Gain?

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By Ashu Gupta

Weight gain is turning into a global epidemic, and it is also true that millions of people across the globe have been trying hundreds and thousands of ways to lose weight. But, maximum of them fail in their pursuit, due to some reason or the other. One such big reason are the carbonated drinks or beverages.

The biggest difficulty with carbonated beverages is that it causes weight gain not in a particular way, but there are numerous ways involved that it can cause gaining weight. Out of the many, there are certainly a few critical ones that should be seriously considered, and avoid them if you want to lose weight. Let’s look at them one by one:

They Are Nothing Except Sweetened And Flavoured Water

Carbonated Beverages are only Flavoured Sweetened water

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Yes, you heard it right. Carbonated beverages are nothing more than flavoured sweetened water. On an average we all consume more than the specified quantity of daily dose of sugar. Carbonated and fizzy drinks is sweetened and flavoured water, that is out under pressure to create the fizz. In other words, the water is mixed with pressurized carbon dioxide to create those exciting bubbles that attracts you. It is also true that just one soda a day exceeds our daily dosage of allowed sugar in a day.

They Are Sweetened With High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup is more harmful than normal sugar

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High fructose corn syrup is also a form of sugar but is more devastating than normal sugar when you actually look down deep into it. It is not only that high fructose corn syrup has much more calories as compared to normal sugar but is bad enough in a way that it supresses the natural ability of the body to fill full and satisfied. The higher fructose corn syrup we consume, the more we feel like eating foods and the more we gain weight.

The Big Question: Shall We Stop Drinking Carbonated Beverages?

Say a big ‘NO’ to carbonated drinks

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The answer is a big ‘YES’. Many of us know it, but still go for it, because we believe that our daily requirement of water comes from it. Remember nothing can replace water. Adopt a healthier way of taking your daily dose of water – just plain, simple and clean water to drink.

What Are The Best Ways To Replace The Habit Of Drinking Carbonated Drinks?

Make drinking plain water more exciting

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Hooked to carbonated drinks? Can’t drink plain water?  Here’s what you can do.

  • Add a squeeze of fresh lime into your water.
  • Make your plain water more interesting by making some freshly flavoured water. Take a pitcher and add some cut fresh fruits to the water in the pitcher and drink. You may also add some lemon and mint, instead of the fruits.
  • You may also take some freshly squeezed fruit juice and mix half and half with water.

As there are so many choices in the carbonated beverages segment, it might be difficult for many to let go of it. If you adopt to drinking water, you will slowly feel and see the changes and water also aids weight loss. Make the correct decision today and enjoy a healthy and happier life.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.

Ashu Gupta
Ashu Gupta is the founder of Ashu Gupta’s Diet Clinic and an acclaimed dietician and nutritionist.She staunchly believes that healthy living is not about just eating plain and tasteless foods and following strict guidelines with a lot of restrictions, but it is about enjoying life to the fullest with certain lifestyle modifications and enjoying all the good foods. Her dedication is her belief and her realistic approach to diet and nutrition has made her carve a niche for herself in this highly competitive atmosphere.