Is Your Boss A Mad King/Queen? Find Out Now

Leave before your boss burns your career!

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There are different kinds of bosses in this world. There are good ones. There are bad ones. And then there are mad ones! The “Burn them all” Boss! Just like some men just want to watch the world burn (and some kings and queens of course), some bosses just want to watch the employee burn. They want to watch the employee burn in workload, in overtime, in underpaid salary, and in their own never-ending complaints and demands. You need to identify such bosses and get loose before it’s too late. Before, they burn your career!

Your Boss Has Unrealistic Expectations

The fault is of the impossible goals, not yours.

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You Mad Boss will have unrealistic expectations from you. It is not wrong to have expectations, in fact genuine high expectations challenge you to do better. But what can sabotage your entire career and your confidence is unworkable targets. Always try to identify the difference between a difficult goal and an impossible one. Because if you don’t, you will end up blaming yourself and consider yourself incompetent!

Make one last attempt to explain your boss how it’s an impossible target by explaining what it will take to achieve it. If the boss still doesn’t understand and it keeps happening again and again, time to abort your mission. Run from the Mad Boss!

Your Boss Is Arrogant And Is ALWAYS Right

We have move way past “The boss is always right”. Today we work in a culture where everyone is held accountable for their mistakes, an employee or a boss. Everyone! So if you find your boss regularly making mistakes and never ever owning up to them, there might be a problem! On top of that, this boss is so arrogant that they never express appreciation in any form for your valuable contributions. Additionally, this boss will always be the first one to take away all the credits for the work done by everyone but them. In such a work environment, your career goals will only rot or burn. So, it’s time to move on and seek new opportunities.

Your Boss Throws Tantrums


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The most prevalent as well as evident sign of a Mad Boss is their out-of-control mood swings. If your boss is emotionally unstable and subjects you to their tantrums, it is time to run as far away from this workplace as possible. This is Boss who can potentially make your life living hell. They will not only burn your work life but also have sparks in your personal life because of the level of mental torture you might revive.

Your Boss Is A Micromanager

In any job, a certain amount of independence is required in order to work satisfactorily. But, when you work under a boss who micromanages, you will be robbed of any form of independence. Here is how to spot a Micromanaging Boss. This Boss will insist on being involved with every part of your work. This Boss doesn’t trust you with the work allotted to you and will suffocate you with their interference. A pushy and overbearing boss like that will take you nowhere. So, YOU MUST!

I hope you are not working under a Mad Boss. But if you are, I hope you were able to identify them with the help of this article. Run away, as soon as possible. The fire catches up real soon!