Emotional Eating: Are You Guilty Too?

Eating without realizing how much you are eating


Did you ever eat something without really feeling hungry and later wondered why you ate it in the first place? Did you suddenly feel a panic attack, anxiety or stress, and felt that eating a big portion of meal or munching away on that entire bar of chocolate helped to ease your feelings?

If you’re nodding your head in a ‘yes,’ you are guilty of emotional eating.

What is emotional eating?

Emotional eating is a form of eating that does not depend on whether or not you are hungry. Instead, this type of eating helps to suppress the negative emotions you are going through, such as depression, loneliness, anxiety, stress, fear, nervousness, boredom, rejection and so on.

(Image Credit: dailymail)

Imagine this – you’re at home, your friends are busy with their own work, there’s no one to talk to, and you are too bored to really get up and do anything. You reach out for that tub of ice-cream, sit in front of a screen, and by the time you realize it, the ice-cream is half or full finished. Or, you just had a bad argument with your partner and he is not taking your calls, and the only reason for you to get out of bed now is to eat those bars of chocolate that you know are lying in the fridge for you.

Sounds familiar?

Just how many times did you beat yourself down with guilt after this type of eating? And in case you did not, the risks are even higher!

Letting yourself have a cheat meal here and there, or a pep-me-up treat sometimes is fine. But when it becomes too much of a regular affair, it’s time to spot the signs.

8 signs you may be an emotional eater

  1. Eating without realizing how much you are eating or without really feeling the food
  2. Feel guilty after you have eaten
  3. You always eat something whenever you are stressed or sad, and it makes you feel better
  4. You always think of a food treat when you do something good
  5. You eat till you feel stuffed and only then it feels as if you ate something good
  6. You are gaining weight of late
  7. You eat more when you are sad, stressed or alone
  8. You have sudden food cravings and cannot focus on anything till you eat what you’re craving for

5 tips to control emotional eating

  1. Maintain a journal and write down time, date and place when you eat without feeling hungry. This will help you spot the triggers.
  2. The moment you feel the need to eat, sip on water and let it settle down.
  3. Before starting to eat, drink at least one full glass of water, have another glass in between your meal.
  4. If you are mostly eating when you are bored, distract yourself by doing simple home workouts, going out for a walk or run, playing with a pet or kids, speaking to a friend, or reading something online (BTW – Hotfridaytalks also has a Celebrity section)
  5. Talk to your friends and family and get help. You will be surprised to know how many people experience emotional eating and how many are also willing to help.