5 Smoothies To Control Diabetes

Are you diabetic? Try these smoothies!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Smoothies are extremely healthy but people with diabetes refrain from having it assuming that they are dangerous to health. Now, if you know of someone with diabetes, remember to inform that a modified smoothie does wonders. Smoothies for patients with diabetes should include high fiber, extra protein, low carb, low GI fruits, no sugar and nutritional milk.

Avocado Smoothies Can Save Your Heart

Avocado smoothie blended with ginger and mango

Image Credit: Pixabay

Avocados are known to be rich in vitamin, fiber and have mono-saturated fat. Mix half avocado with greens and gulp it. If you have this drink in the morning, it can rejuvenate your health and keep you fit without diabetes and heart problems.

Diabetic-Friendly Oatmeal Smoothie

Add these oats to your breakfast in a tasty way

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is the most favorite of all smoothies out there for people with diabetes. Hate to eat oats that are tasteless? Here is a better idea. The combination of almond milk with smaller bananas and uncooked oats can actually keep your body fiber rich. Additionally, vitamin C and potassium levels increase. This smoothie is known to improve insulin level as well. What more do you need?

Yummilicious fruit and Greek yogurt smoothie

Strawberry smoothie blended with Greek yogurt

Image Credit: My Food Story

There is no better smoothie than this where you can consume probiotics and also enhance the insulin levels in one go. For those people who can’t miss sugar in smoothies, mix a berry like blueberry or strawberry and blend with Greek yogurt. This can improve the overall blood sugar control and control the gut health. The smoothness is also mind-blowing.

Almond Butter Recipe For A Change

Blend almond butter with banana and strawberry

Image Credit: Food and Wine magazine

Almond butter is one ingredient that contains heart-healthy fat, fiber and protein. This almond butter combined with another vegetable or fruit of your choice can leave your body away from bad cholesterol. Also, this smoothie can serve as a source of magnesium, vitamin E and manganese.

Flaxseed Smoothie Is What Your Body Needs

Flaxseeds with strawberry gives a yummy smoothie

Image Credit: YouTube

Flaxseeds are supposed to be rich in nutrients and the fats in flaxseed originate from polyunsaturated fat. The fats actually control the blood sugar levels and are preferable for people with type 2 diabetes. Add a few nuts to this flaxseed and you will love the result.

Begin your day with a smoothie and lead a healthy life!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.