Food Items To Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure

Top 5 Food Items to Avoid for High BP


High blood pressure is probably one of the most common ailments that plague more than half the world’s population. Irrespective of age, high blood pressure, and hypertension affects everyone. One of the major causes of high blood pressure is stress.

In today’s world, most of us aren’t able to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Work pressure, personal relationships and environmental conditions all contribute to stress. And an increase in stress levels would directly impact your blood pressure levels as well. What most people fail to realize is that blood pressure is fairly manageable. Of course, in certain extreme conditions, you are required to take oral medication. But if you want to avoid medication, you could keep your blood pressure in check with the help of certain lifestyle changes and dietary restrictions.

Avoiding these Food items can help in high BP

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, there are certain kinds of food items that you must avoid at all costs. These include:

All things Salty

Avoid sprinkling extra salt on Your Food

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Sodium and salt must be cut down from your diet since these contribute to high blood pressure. Studies show that excessive salt in your food can lead to hypertension, pre-hypertension and heart diseases as well. Sodium is present in large quantities in packaged food too. So, better avoid them to keep a tab at your BP levels.

Delicious Deli

Restrain from Deli Meat

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Deli meat is delicious, without a doubt. So are the readymade frozen meals that are good to go and perfect if you want a quick lunch in between work. But no matter how fresh these claim to be, they aren’t good for your health. All the condiments and pickles and cheese and cold cuts contain sodium, which could increase blood pressure.

Oh-so-tangy Pickles

Dill Pickles can be Dangerous for People with High BP

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If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid pickles totally. Dill pickles, or the ones you find in the market, are supposedly fresh. But in order to preserve any food, you will require preserving liquids, salt, and sodium. Thus, it is best to avoid them.

Dump those Cans

Stay away from Canned Food

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Canned products are a big no-no. The biggest advantage that canned products have is that they are easy to prepare and are no-fuss. But then again, preserved foods are a big source of salt and sodium and must be avoided at all costs. This includes canned beans, canned soup, canned tomatoes, canned juices and everything processed.

As Sweet as Sugar

Oprah Winfrey got rid of her BP issues with dietary and lifestyle changes

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Sugar causes obesity and weight gain. But did you know that sugar increases your blood pressure levels too? Basically, sweetened drinks and aerated beverages contain sugar in large quantities which can cause your blood pressure levels to fluctuate. Did you know that the famous host of our favorite talk show Oprah Winfrey had been suffering from blood pressure issues? She has, however, been able to get her BP stable with a controlled lifestyle and proper diet!

Instead of the above-mentioned foods, include a whole lot of grains, leafy green veggies, and low-fat dairy and lean protein in your diet. That should help you keep your blood pressure in check.

Read Also: What You Need To Know About Blood Pressure?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.