Top 5 Travel Destinations In India For Fitness Buffs

Best Destinations for a Fitness Vacation in India


In the age of Instagram and social media, the latest trend to have caught on is that of a fitness vacation. Well, for most of you, a vacation usually signals a much needed break from the cacophony of daily life. You must be wondering, who cares about fitness routines and gym timings or Yoga classes on a vacation? Well, there are fitness fanatics and health conscious people, for whom fitness vacations are nothing short of true bliss. Basically, such a vacation would inculcate a harmonious relationship between your mind, body and soul and would enrich you from within and help you come to terms and make peace with your worries in life, at least for a few days.

In India, the land of yoga, there are several places you could visit for such a vacation. Some of these places are:


Fitness Retreats at Kodaikanal will keep you fit and happy

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Splendid mountainscape. Lush greenery. Soul enriching views. That is what a vacation in Kodaikanal promises you. If soul searching and healing is what you seek, then this is the place for you. Also, there are organisations that run boot camps in Kodaikanal for people who want to work on their fitness. Don’t worry, the program has been built keeping in mind all categories of people; and if you aren’t a pro, there is no need to feel ashamed, there is always a first time.


Halle Berry visited Kerala for a hale and hearty Holiday

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Not only is Kerala one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in India, but it is also a haven for people looking for fitness retreats. There are a number of organisations here which plan and execute fitness and yoga retreats. Unique to this place, there are Ayurvedic camps as well, which welcome people from around the world. For those suffering from chronic conditions, these camps and retreats have proved to be really beneficial. The massages and treatments provided here have amazing healing properties, as is said. This is a popular place among celebrities in India as well as around the world. Apart from Aishwarya Rai and Daniel Craig, the Oscar winning actress Halle Berry was also spotted at an Ayurvedic Retreat in Kerala.


Trekking in Darjeeling keeps you Fit as well as Mesmerized by the Natural Views

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Most people dismiss Darjeeling as simply one of the many hill stations of the country. While it is certainly one of the most beautiful places in India, it also attracts a lot of fitness buffs. Less advertised are the various boot camps and fitness retreats here. As a matter of fact, the organisations here teach you trekking, rock craft, camping and also water sports. There are some mountaineering courses here as well. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be an expert to apply here.

Rishikesh and Haridwar

River Rafting in Rishikesh gives you Exercise as well as Thrill

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These places have been home to fitness buffs and yoga fanatics for centuries now. At the same time you have options for water rafting, rock climbing and other adventure sports which are lifetime experiences. Moreover, there are numerous yoga camps at both beginners’ and advanced levels.


Yoga at a Goa Beach will ensure complete peace of the mind and body

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Goa promises you a fantastic vacation with good food, parties, sea beaches and fitness camps. Working out gets a complete new makeover in Goa for sure. Certain resorts and retreats in Goa provide excellent yoga sessions as well as several holistic treatments that include reiki, reflexology, Ayurvedic treatments etc. The best time to visit to avail the best services would be between November and April.

Liz (Julia Roberts) in Eat Pray Love found a new meaning to Life in India

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Vacations are meant to heal you from within. How can we forget how Julia Roberts was able to find her inner peace and love in “Eat Pray Love”? She had visited india for her yoga and meditation sessions remember? A trip to any of the five places mentioned above would be more than a trip, and something to be remembered for your lifetime. So have you packed your bags already?

Are you aware of more such fitness destinations? Comment below to share with our readers!

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