Get Naturally Glowing Clear Skin At Home

Want to burst the chance of getting pimples, acne, and scars?


The spike in temperature is not working out well for your skin and there are chances you could already be facing an outburst of acne and pimple, or perhaps your skin is getting ready for it.

Instead of trying out cosmetic products that contain at least some amount of chemicals and also cost you money, you could take a shot at these natural tips that can help your skin stay naturally clear and healthy.

1. Get Rid Of It All, Even The Cleanser

Did you know that sometimes, without even realizing, there are traces of cleanser still left on our skin even after we have washed our face? This can turn into pollutant and debris on the skin and attract bacteria that can cause acne and pimple breakout. Wash your face really well including the area near your ears and your throat. If required, you can also use a cleansing face brush to take out any traces of hard makeup.

2. Reducing Dairy Products Can Help

If you notice a regular pattern in your acne and pimple breakouts, it could also be due to hormonal changes or an imbalance in the hormones. Try reducing your dairy intake for a month or two and see if you notice any improvement. If you consume alcohol regularly, you could reduce that too and see if it makes a difference.

3. Change Your Pillow Case Every Alternate Day

Sometimes, when you have greasy hair and scalp, it transfers to your pillowcase and then to your face as you sleep. To avoid the grease from your scalp causing breakouts on your face, change your pillowcases every alternate day.

4. Add Fresh Lemon Juice To Your Daily Routine In Some Form

The natural bleaching properties will even your skin tone

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Lemon contains citric acid that helps to remove dead skin cells and helps the clear skin underneath to come to the surface. It is also high in vitamin C which will naturally help to remove dark spots and pigmentation marks by helping the new skin cells to form faster. It also keeps your skin dry that will prevent pimples from appearing and dry out the ones that are already there. Besides, the natural bleaching properties will improve your overall complexion.

5. Clean Your Phone!

If you thought keeping your face clean would be enough to prevent the breakouts, think again. Your phone is probably one of those things that caresses your face many times a day, and unless you keep it really clean, you’re definitely attracting germs that will invade your facial skin as well. To prevent the dust and bacteria from your phone transferring to your face, clean it regularly and wipe the screen with some anti-bacterial wipe.

Along with the above, make sure to keep yourself hydrated and also have some form of exercise, as this will bring out that natural healthy glow on your skin like no product can!

Read Also: Three Homemade Detox Teas For Glowing Skin

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.