Get Tested And “Know Your Status” On This World Aids Day 2018

Stop living in denial, take a positive step towards getting tested

Image Credit: Yahoo

If you’ve been following the news on the health front, you would know that we observe World Aids’ Day on 1 December every year. The observance is to promote the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS, to show support for those who are living with HIV and to commemorate those who have passed away from AIDS-related health conditions. The theme being “Know Your Status”, the focus is on getting yourself tested for HIV infection.

Also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus and HIV is a virus that targets the immune system, which increases the risk of infections in the body. If left untreated, the condition may develop into a serious condition called AIDS (short for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). Given its serious consequences, this is why you should go for HIV testing at the earliest.

Did you know that HIV is preventable and you can reduce or even eliminate the risks with regular testing? If the results are positive and detected early, you can manage the condition with proper medical treatment and continue to lead happy and normal lives.

Just a finger prick blood sample is enough to get an HIV test done

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Diagnosis or/and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis HIV screening takes just a few minutes and all it needs is a finger prick blood sample or saliva swab, which is why you should consult a qualified healthcare provider for the test.

However, these are the reasons for low testing rates in our country:

  • Confidentiality, legal and health issues
  • Stigma surrounding HIV testing
  • Denial
  • Fears regarding counseling
  • Wish to avoid anxiety when waiting for results

Though there is fear, discrimination, denial, and humiliation connected to HIV testing, it is important to remember that your health is your priority. That being said, let us take this opportunity to get yourself for HIV testing and prevent the spread of infection. In the end, know that early diagnoses precedes early treatment and a long and healthy life.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.