Gift Yourself The Comfort Of A Good Pair Of Shoes And Socks

Love smooth and beautiful feet? Invest in good shoes and socks


Look, we get it, fashion trends are important; but does that mean you should have to suffer for it? For instance, when it comes to footwear, most people would wear anything that looks good. But what about something that feels good for a change? How many times have you put on pointed heels only to come back home later that night with a sore foot and blisters that are unbearably painful?
Most women would know the pains of wearing the wrong shoes; for example, wearing flip flops all day long when you know you’re going to be on your feet throughout the day. Investing in a pair of good shoes (and also socks) is possibly the best thing you could do for your poor feet.

Here’s what you can do:

Go for comfortable heels

Well, truth be told, women don’t really have a choice except heels when it comes to formal occasions. You don’t always have to go for the pointy ones which could lead to foot ache, pain and other physical problems. The next time you buy a pair of heels, why don’t you just look at both comfort and style? Choose the pair of shoes that are more comfortable. Even if they cost more, your feet are equally valuable, aren’t they?

Choose cap-toe heels

Try to avoid pointed heels at all costs. Even the cap-toe heels are better than pointed ones. In this case, the majority of the pressure is on your heels and toes. If you wear such pointed heels almost every day, these are bound to lead to problems like bunions. Instead, cap-toe heel shoes would be a better option.

Choosing the right flip flops

If you prefer sandals and flip flops to heels, well done! But we beg you, please choose the right pair of sandals or flip flops for yourself! There’s a difference between the kind of flip flops you wear at home or if you’re stepping out just to do a bit of shopping and the kind of shoes that you should wear if you’re heading to work or to university. Outside, you need something that doesn’t exert much pressure on your feet; flip flops are pretty comfortable, only if you choose the right ones.

Flip flops and sandals aren’t suitable for everyday wear- Also remember, sandals or flip flops do not provide any kind of support to your ankles. Medically speaking, this could lead to ankle issues in the long run. With the wrong flip flops, you could have feet issues like planter fascilitis which causes tremendous foot pain.

Socks are a must

Socks are just as important. Unless you’re wearing flip flops, socks can be paired with most kinds of shoes. They not only absorb moisture but also help in preventing chaffing and absorbing shock.

The Right Socks Size

Just like your shoes, the right size of socks also matters. Surprised? Too tight-fitting or too loose socks will only lead to problems in your feet. The wrong socks can also cause blisters, rubs or infections. So pay attention to the socks size you are wearing.

The Sock Fiber

A pair of warm woolen socks in the chilly winters can actually give you a lot of comfort than your winter garments. The material is very important, while some may be comfortable in woolen socks, some others cannot wear anything except cotton socks. Other materials include bamboo socks, specifically good for diabetic people, nylon socks, silk socks or rubber socks. Checkout the thread count, the pattern, design and elasticity before you buy one.
If you haven’t already, it’s time to learn from your mistakes. Please gift yourself better shoes, your feet deserve it!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.