Hair Fall Myths Or Facts – Busted

Prevent excessive hair fall by first knowing the right causes!


Can using cold water to wash your hair prevent hair fall? Does trimming hair regularly promote hair growth? Here are some common myths about hair fall you may have heard of, but that may not necessarily be true.

5 hair fall myths and truths

1. Regular trimming promotes hair growth – MYTH

(Image credits: estilo-tendances)

Trimming your hair at the ends will make it appear thicker, as the hair strands will be more even. Split ends make your hair look thinner, so trimming just gives an appearance of the hair being ‘fuller.’ Cutting or trimming does not promote hair growth.

2. Dandruff causes hair fall – MYTH

(Image credits: flexyourbrain)

A lot of people must have told you that dandruff causes hair fall. But in fact, it is the itching due to excessive dryness that leads to hair fall. Dandruff appears when your scalp is dry, and it increases the dryness even further. As a result, you experience itching, and constantly itching can weaken the hair roots, leading to hair fall.

3. Wearing helmets leads to hair fall – TRUE

(Image credits: uksciencetech)

When you regularly wear a helmet, the constant pressure along your hair roots can lead to a condition known as traction alopecia. This is a condition in which the frontal hair stops growing. It happens due to the constant friction within the scalp and the helmet, and the hair roots cannot attach properly. Also, excessive sweating can damage the hair roots and lead to hair fall. The only way to avoid this is to make sure your scalp is healthy and there is no infection of any sort.

4. Washing hair in hot water can cause hair fall – TRUE

(Image credits: scstylecaster)

When you regularly use hot or very hot water to wash hair, it can dry out the scalp and lead to itching. Also, the essential oils from your scalp are washed off, and the hair follicles turn brittle, making them more prone to damage and fall.

5. Being in AC too often leads to hair fall – TRUE

(Image credits: media2)

Your hair is very fragile and sensitive and is easily affected by sudden changes in temperature. This means that when you are constantly in and out of an AC environment, or if you are always directly under the AC vent, your hair may get damaged. Too much AC can dry out the scalp, causing itching and eventual hair loss.

Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.