Signs that Tell You Haven’t Gotten Over Your First Love Yet

It’s almost impossible to erase the memories of your first love


The first time you ever fall in love, it knowingly or unknowingly impacts your life and it’s not very easy to forget about him/her easily. You may move on and be in a happy new relationship but it’s almost impossible to erase the memories of your first love or avoid the thoughts of your first love to cross your mind. So many questions that cross your mind; What if we didn’t break up,: What if he/she didn’t move away? What if we were together today? It’s human nature to think of such things and not be able to forget about someone completely, especially your first love because there’s something about first love. Even Justin Bieber admits there’s nothing like first love in an interview with a leading magazine, while talking about first love. He’s been quoted saying: “It’s like, magical. There’s nothing like it. So I felt that and I just didn’t want to let it go.”So what are the signs that say that you haven’t gotten over your first love yet?

Go on a rewind mode often

Do you often go and sit at the restaurant or pub that the two of you frequented together? or Watch the movies and shows, that both of you loved watching together. Listen to a song that might have been his/her favorite? These are all signs that somewhere deep down in your heart, you still miss the time spent with your first love

Calling your first love frequently

While it’s completely ok to call your ex even after a break-up, but if you are looking for pointless excuses to call them then chances are you are still hanging on emotionally to your first love. Ariana Grande’s ex Nathan Sykes, even went on to the extreme of leaving a message for Ariana’s boyfriend Natahan Sykes saying: “Nathan if you read this when you hold her hand you better hold it tight because you are holding my world.”

Hiding about your new relationship

Hiding your new relationship from your first love is another sign that shows that you still need to get over them. You don’t want to let them know that you have already moved on, as you still have hopes of maybe getting back together again.

Stalking him/her on social networks

If you have been secretly following every little detail about your first love on his/her social networks then you’re probably not over with them yet. Hrithik Roshan publicly accused Kangana Ranaut of stalking him

Holding on to a gift he/she gave you

You’re in a new relationship but you still carry that gift that they gave you in your bag or secretly keep a picture of the two of you hidden somewhere in your wallet, then that’s a sure shot sign that your ex still rules your heart.
Thinking about your first love often is inevitable so don’t fret much about it. It’s natural just give yourself some time and let your feelings die down.