Healthy Options For Night Shift Workers

Night shift is no more a nightmare for your health

Image Credit: Medical News Today

Working late in the night has several health implications. If you work in night shift, you probably have to pay attention to your nutrition and sleep patterns. Just to stay awake, most of the night shift workers prefer to consume caffeine and quick bites without knowing that these hamper their health.

What Does Your Health Need?

These foods save you from health risks due to night shift work!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Your health needs nutrition. Yes, healthy eating is the key.

  • Carry healthy snacks like almonds and roasted channa to munch whenever you are hungry. These should be the best replacements for samosas and wraps.
  • Go for hydrating beverages like herbal teas and vegetable juices in addition to water as these can keep you alert and active. Herbal teas improve concentration and digestion.
  • Say a big NO to oily foods. As we know, oily foods lead to weight gain and working in the late night can also cause weight gain. What happens when there is excessive gain? To prevent such an incident, skip oily foods and keep your body away from gastric issues.
  • Make sure you eat the main meal before you leave for work. The digestion will happen during your journey to the office. Once you begin your night shift, consume only small portion of meals.
  • Sweets are your enemy! If you are fond of sugar, this can be a bad news to you. Instead of soft drink or chocolates or sweets, carry protein bars which will keep you relaxed and focused.
  • Your body tends to have an interrupted melatonin production when you are on a night shift. This is because you do not get enough sleep and levels of minerals and vitamin A are down. These will affect the production. All these will lead to depression. To escape from such problems, consume rice, cherries, tomatoes, pomegranate, broccoli, walnuts, peanuts, cucumber, olives and grapes. These are rich in melatonin.

In addition to exercise and sufficient sleep, ensure following the options above. Feel relaxed while working in night shifts!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.