Here’s How Holistic Health Management Can Help You, Explains Dr. K Kumar

Did you know how this alternative healing therapy can fit in with your lifestyle?


In a time and age where we are constantly trying to find ways to feel better and stay healthy, more and more innovations in the medicine and healing world are coming our way to help.

While you may know about the different types of healing therapies and treatment options, a lot is still not known about the various types of alternative healing techniques that are out there.

Today, Dr. K Kumar, the Chief Consultant and Founder of Dr. Kumar’s Lifestyle, explains how this healing program can actually give you complete health and wellness benefits and how it can fit in with your busy lifestyle.

What exactly is holistic health management?

The word holistic means wholesome. When we see the definition of health as per the World Health Organization (WHO), it talks about health in its complete sense. As per the definition, the absence of diseases or infirmities is not health; in fact, it is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. The alternative therapies work on this principle.

For how long has this been practiced in India as a medically licensed treatment method?

WHO defined health from a holistic perspective in 1948. However, in the Indian traditional and alternative medicine system, health has always been talked about from the physical, mental and social aspects. So in India, this holistic approach towards health is being practiced since ancient times. Whether we talk about Yoga or Ayurveda, both impact in a complete and holistic sense.

What got you interested in this healing method?

It makes me worried that today when globally there is so much advancement in technology and modern medicine, human health is continuously declining. Most of the diseases are being managed and not treated. While we are being treated physically, the actual cause of the disease lies in our psycho, physio and socio levels. Until and unless we are treated completely, i.e. at all levels, to remove and prevent the disease, we can’t get a healthy society. A healthy life can only be achieved using holistic health management techniques and this is what I want to achieve.

Are more people using these therapies or are people still more biased towards regular medicine based treatments?

In the case of most chronic diseases, people have understood the importance of alternative therapies. Such therapies are being widely used these days. However, the lack of infrastructure in this area is a major challenge. The allopathic medicine infrastructure is quite extensive so people find it very convenient. As there is a growing awareness of the side effects of such medicines, more and more people are inclined towards alternative medicines
now. In many hospitals, the fusion of modern and alternative therapies is being practiced and it works successfully.

Can these therapies be used to treat more serious health conditions or are they more suited to simpler health issues?

Treating the mind body and soul for complete wellness

Image Credit: consciouslivingtv

When we say, more serious conditions, we are referring to either an emergency situation or a chronic situation. In an emergency, for the primary management of symptoms, allopathic medicine is quite effective. Alternative therapies can heal particular situations or diseases like chronic diseases more effectively. There is no treatment for chronic diseases in modern medicine. This is because allopathic medicines manage the symptoms only.

Who is the right candidate for this type of treatment? Who should definitely avoid these?

Everyone can take this treatment whether they are ill or not. Alternative therapy treatment is not just for a cure but also for prevention. Few conditions like traumatic conditions, infectious diseases, and intense surgeries are well managed in modern allopathy. The rest of the health issues can be cured and prevented effectively by using alternative therapies.

If you are willing to give wellness a shot, and not rely only on medicines, you could speak to a licensed practitioner and find out how this form of healing therapy can benefit you.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.