3 kitchen ingredients that can remove your scars

Home Remedies for Scars


Scars can be bad, and we all want them gone. But all these lotions and potions that offer to magically remove the scars – do they actually work?

Scars can be due to acne and pimple, from an accident, burns, chickenpox, vaccination, from tattoos or piercing or anything actually.

3 magic kitchen ingredients for scars

Try these 3 ‘magic’ ingredients from your kitchen that can lighten and reduce any scars, naturally.

Kate Middleton has a scar from a childhood operation.

Image Credit: elleuk

Coconut oil

The antioxidants and vitamin E in coconut oil can speed up the healing process and prevent formation of new scars. It also has capric acid along with lauric and caprylic acids that boost skin’s elasticity and fight free radical damage.

To use: Massage the oil in your palms to naturally heat it and apply on the scars. Leave on for at least 2 to 3 hours, or through the day or night. Do this multiple times a day.

Padma Lakshmi, the inspiration for many young ones to start being a ‘home chef’ has a scar on her arm from a car accident.

Image Credit: thefamouspeople


This is a natural bleaching agent and the alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) can work on almost all types of scars. It also removes dead skin cells, boosts new skin cells to grow and improves your skin’s elasticity. This stops new scars from forming.

To use: Apply fresh lemon juice on the area and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, mix it with rose water.

Real-life Penny, Kaley Cuoco has a scar on her leg from a horse riding accident.

Image Credit: giphy


It is extremely moisturizing and will keep your skin hydrated. It improves skin elasticity and prevents new scars. Honey also removes dead skin cells and helps skin to heal faster.

To use: Apply on the affected area and cover with a handkerchief or bandage. Leave overnight and wash off, or keep for at least 3 to 4 hours.

Read Also: Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.