Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks- their causes and home remedies


Ladies and gentlemen, let’s face it, stretch marks are common. Rarely will you come across someone with completely flawless skin, entirely devoid of stretch marks. Come on, even Halle Berry flaunts her stretch marks!

Well, coming to facts, celebs’ flaunting their stretch marks is one thing, but for us mere mortals, stretch marks are unattractive and ugly. They are lines that are visible on the surface of the skin and are light colored. Also, they usually appear in the abdominal area, but may also appear on hands, thighs, upper arms and other body parts for several reasons.

Listen, if you’ve noticed these lines on parts of your body, don’t panic. There are millions in the same boat as you. In the section below, we’ll talk about what causes stretch marks and how you can deal with them easily!

Causes of stretch marks


In women, one of the leading causes of stretch marks is pregnancy. During pregnancy, the abdomen extends beyond its capacity which causes the skin to sag post delivery. This sagging causes stretch marks.

Sudden weight gain/loss:

Sudden changes in weight can lead to stretch marks. For instance, if you lose a large amount of weight, the stretched skin during the time when you were flabby, gets contracted. Similarly, a sudden gain in weight (be it for whatever reason), makes your skin to stretch to accommodate those extra fat tissues, hence the skin is affected. After all, this is the largest organ in the body. If there are changes in the body, that takes a toll on the skin as well. As a result, these lines will appear.

Side-effects of Pills:

Medications rich in corticosteroids can affect the ability of the skin to stretch. So, regular use of pills, lotions and creams of this group can cause stretch marks.

Health Disorders:

Marfan’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome and other disorders of the adrenal gland may lead to stretch marks as well.

How to treat stretch marks?

Now ads online and on TV will tell you that there are several topical creams that could reduce stretch marks. But what you need to understand is that a stretch mark is a kind of a scar. Apparently, most of these creams are not really as effective as they promise. This is what Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank has to say about it, “So, sadly there’s nothing that can really be done topically despite what these products claim.”

Since most creams contain a high amount of parabens (preservatives), they are hardly effective. Some creams may be effective enough, but they would again be too costly for daily use. Thus, it is more beneficial if you use products that are raw and natural. Here are some home remedies that can help:

Castor oil:

Applying and massaging castor oil daily to the affected area could help reduce stretch marks. As a matter of fact, castor oil is used to treat a number of skin problems including moles and wrinkles.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera has healing and soothing properties which could work wonders for your skin. You could apply Aloe Vera gel directly on the stretch marks and leave it there.

Egg whites:

These are rich in proteins. So applying egg whites on to the stretch marks would nourish your skin from within.
Of course, these remedies won’t work overnight. You will have to be patient and try these remedies one by one to see what works best for you.

Bollywood Celebrities With Stretch Marks

So worry not, because stretch marks are normal. We have a host of Bollywood stars, from Priyanka Chopra to Malaika Arora who confidently walk the ramp with their stretch marks! Give them some time to heal and you could get back your previous youthful tight skin again!

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.