How To Detox Your Hair With Natural Ingredients

It’s time to get your hair ready before Diwali

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Your hair may not look dull, damaged and in bad shape, but that does not mean it can’t look better!

With only a few days left for Diwali, you can make your hair look shinier, stronger and more voluminous, by following a few simple detox ideas at home.

Start With The Scalp

If you want your hair to look nice and clean, it’s important to start with the scalp. You should shampoo your hair and thoroughly cleanse the scalp at least once every two to three days. But since the weather can change from humid to really hot any moment and make your scalp greasy and dirty, you can even shampoo every day till the festivals are going on. You can go for products that contain salicylic acid and use brands that are more natural and use lesser chemicals.

Reduce The Amount Of Heat

Air dry your hair or use the cool mode on the dryer

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Using styling tools that require heat is an instant way to make your hair look really shiny and put together, but this is also extremely damaging for your hair. Instead, you can either let your hair dry naturally on its own or use the hair dryer with the cool mode on. You can also use a thin layer of aloe vera gel on your damp hair and let it air dry, to get naturally shiny, smooth and non-frizzy hair.

Get Started On The Moisture Therapy

Just as your skin needs moisture, your hair needs it too. You can now start your oiling routine by applying some oils to your hair every alternate day. You can leave it on overnight and shampoo in the morning, or if you have the time, you can leave it on for half an hour to an hour and then wash it off. You can use essential oils such as tea tree oil to avoid dandruff, chamomile oil for shine, lavender oil for strength, or oils such as sweet almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, argan oil and so on.

Bring On The Masks

If you’re already doing so much to care for your hair, another step is to use a hair mask at least twice a week to give your hair the strength and conditioning that it needs. Depending on your hair type, you can make a hair mask at home with natural ingredients.

In addition, avoid using very hot water for your scalp or hair, as this can rip out the natural oils and make your scalp dry and itchy.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.