Eating Breakfast Can Do This To Your Weight

If you too are caught in the breakfast or no breakfast trap, read this

Image Credit: medicalnewstoday

You wake up, grab a cup of coffee and rush out for work, or head out for something important. Before you realize, this becomes an almost daily routine, with your real meal time happening only around lunch.

But with so much talk about the importance of breakfast for your overall health, is it really going to help you maintain good weight, or is skipping your first meal of the day making you actually gain more weight? Or maybe making it more difficult to lose weight?

Here is what breakfast is doing to your weight

What you eat and miss out definitely has an impact on your weight. See this.

Bad Metabolism? Maybe Breakfast Can Help

When you eat breakfast on a regular basis, it can help to stimulate your metabolism by activating the thermogenesis process, in which your body produces heat that further helps to break down the fat. Did you know that you have a higher chance of improving your metabolism by eating the same food in the morning as breakfast, instead of eating it as evening snack?

Targets Almost 15 Percent Of Total Calories

Eating breakfast can also help you achieve more out of your regular exercise routine that you do to lose the calories. If you are in the habit of counting calories, you should know that eating breakfast every day can help to cut out up to 15 percent of the daily calorie intake. Burning calories can effectively help you to lose more weight at a steady level.

Give It The Energy

Eating fruits can give you an energetic start

Image Credit: ensia

You have a full day ahead of you when you wake up in the morning, and if you keep a big break between the last meal of the day that you had had, which was the dinner you had last morning, and the food you have in the day, which could be your lunch, your stomach will get used to an unhealthy routine. Also, you will not have as much energy in the day as you can, by eating a healthy breakfast.

Choosing your breakfast wisely also amounts to keeping your weight in check and improving your metabolism. Easy breakfast options such as cereals, sugary treats, breads and doses of coffee may not be the best option. Instead, try having healthy and easy options such as boiled eggs, steamed chicken, fruits, whole grains and so on to have a full stomach, loads of energy and a happy weighing scale.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.