Is Coconut Oil Really Poisonous: All You Need To Know

What health experts, including Rujuta Diwekar, are saying

Image Credit: thegreentribe

For quite some time now the world has been talking about the goodness of using coconut oil for almost all your daily uses. While this was always one of the most used oils in the Indian home, the world too seemed to wake up to its goodness.

And then, recently, there came the news that shocked all the health enthusiasts.

At a recent event that was held at the University of Freiberg in Germany, professor Karin Michels, who gave a talk on nutritional errors, said that coconut oil is actually pure poison, which immediately set of a global debate on whether or not it is safe to eat and use this age-old health remedy any more.

Isn’t It Good For Health?

Over the years, nutritionists the world over have maintained that adding some amount of coconut oil to your diet can help you lose weight. Also, not only does it apparently make you healthy from the inside, but it can also give you great skin and hair and add to your health from the outside.

In fact, it was said that coconut oil contains high fat and medium chain triglycerides, all of which are considered to be super good for overall health as well as for keeping your weight in check.

As soon as the theory of coconut oil being poisonous came out, celebrity fitness expert Rujuta Diwekar shared a post on her Instagram page, where she said that it has been a tried and tested strategy of the food and weight loss industry to first turn a food into a hero and then show it as a villain. To put everyone at ease and clear out most of the doubts, she also adds that if that particular food, in this context coconut oil, has been consumed in your region for a long time and if it has been used in your culture for various purposes, out of which it is also for health reasons, then you can easily consider it a superfood.

The Healthy Factor

The medium chain fatty acids or MCFAs found in coconut oil are easily digested and hence do not get stored as fat in your body. On the other hand, a lot of the other vegetable oils contain long chain fatty acids that take longer to digest and hence may get stored in your body as fat.

Also, almost 50 percent of the fat that is found in coconut oil gets converted into monolaurin. This adds various antibacterial, antiviral and other benefits to your body, thus keeping you healthy and protected.

If you’re apprehensive and want to play it safe, consult with your doctor to understand how much coconut oil is safe for you to consume.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.