Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking Cigarettes?

The new trend of vaping is UNHEALTHY and here is why.

Image Credit: Washington Examiner

E-cigarettes are trending among youngsters. A lot of them assume that this vaping is actually safer and healthier when compared to smoking cigarettes. Do you also share the same opinion? Well, here’s the truth.

Understanding The Difference

E-cigs are definitely NOT better than regular cigs.

Image Credit: RAND Corporation

Cigarettes contain tobacco while e-cigarettes do not. But if you ask me if tobacco alone causes cancer, the answer is a plain NO. There are also other harmful chemicals in cigarettes that are present in e-cigarettes too. Perhaps, FDA has identified the presence of carcinogens in e-cigarettes that can affect the health.

Women have begun vaping widely with the presumption that this is safer and is tobacco-free. Though e-cigarettes do not contain the same levels of nicotine, there are considerable levels and this transition can be ideal for those who plan to quit smoking.

Unknown Downsides Of Vaping

Aggressive marketing of e-cigs has now got you addicted but you are damaging your health in reality.

Image Credit: The National

Vaping seems to be an interesting option to destress your mind. But, there are downsides of vaping being unknown.

  • E-cigarettes have the tendencies to make your brain addictive. As you begin vaping, your mind automatically enjoys it and calls it safe. So, you happen to vape frequently and ruin your body.
  • Did you know that the liquid present in e-cigs is dangerous? While it is chemicals added in the usual cigarettes, liquids are present in e-cigs and every time you breathe or swallow or even absorb the liquid, your skin gets affected and it can be dangerous too!
  • National Institute of health identified that smoke of e-cigs can cause DNA mutations that will indirectly lead to the rise of cancer.

By now, you must have learnt that what you consider safe is actually not safe. It has long term negative health impacts on your body and there are literally no alternatives to get over vaping too.

Don’t go behind the flavors that let you get addicted. Instead, act responsibly in going through the contents before you adopt a new habit.

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