Kidney Stones: Causes, Prevention And Home Remedies

Everything you need to know about kidney stones


Kidney stones form up when the mineral and salts inside your body harden up into something like stones. With timely medical intervention, it is possible to take care of this without causing too much discomfort or harm.

Before you freak out, did you know that 1 in 20 people do get kidney stones at least some time in life?

What causes kidney stones?

There can be many causes for kidney stones, but here are some of the more common ones:

  • Dehydration and lack of water in the body
  • When urine frequency goes down
  • The amount of substances that can turn into hard deposits are too high in your urine (especially calcium and uric acid)
  • Excessive sweating due to workouts where you do not replenish the lost liquids in your body
  • Living in very hot and dry climates
  • Infection in the urinary tract
  • Problems with metabolism or metabolic disorders
  • Medical conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, high blood pressure
Reducing your salt intake will reduce your stone risk and also improve your overall health and weight.

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How to prevent kidney stones

Drink enough fluids

When you are dehydrated, you pass less urine and the substances in your urine can get difficult to dissolve, increasing your risk of kidney stones. Drink enough water, at least 8 to 10 glasses in a day. Orange and lemon juices are also good because they contain citrate that can prevent the stone formation.

Drink a glass especially before each meal, or put a reminder after every half an hour to have a glass of water.

Reduce sodium

Foods with high amount of salt can increase your risk as it prevents the calcium from getting absorbed properly. Reducing your salt intake will reduce your stone risk and also improve your overall health and weight.

Staying away from canned and processed foods is also a good way to reduce.

Reduce eating foods that are rich in oxalate

Limit having foods such as sweet potatoes, wheat bran, beets, peanuts, soy, spinach and coffee as these are high in their oxalate content.

Make sure to speak to your doctor about this.

Home remedies

  • Mix two tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to about 236 ml of water and have it every day.
  • Having a few spoons of extra virgin olive oil a day is especially good if you have already started getting some kidney stones, as it will ease their passage.
  • Pomegranate juice is high in its antioxidant properties and reduces acidity in urine.
Alfred Hitchcock, the acclaimed suspense movie director had kidney stone issues too

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And if you are feeling stoned about these kidney ones, take heart in counting yourself in the same celebrity list as Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Joel, Newton (!) and Michelangelo, who all had kidney stones at some point in time.

Read Also: How Much Water Should You Drink According To Your BMI?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.