How To Work Well In An Extrovert’s World If You Are An Introvert

How to deal with a work culture geared for the extroverts.


Most work spaces are designed for the extroverts with open floor plans. Ideas are generated in brainstorming sessions and meetings. Self-branding is encouraged by supporting those who speak up at these meetings.

It can be unnerving for a typical introvert to manoeuvre such office culture. The generic tips on success at work may be hard to practise for those who are more comfortable with fewer words.

To begin with, who is an introvert?

People who are introverted tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation. They tend to be more quiet, reserved, and introspective. It is not that introverts are shy. They can socialise when the situation demands, but they actively avoid such situations.

So, if you are introvert, how can you deal with work situations commanded by extroverts? As most job profiles now come with a mixed bag of skills, and demand varied assignments of you, here are some work tactics for the introverts.

Take out some “me” time

No matter what type of job you take or what company you work for, it’s essential to find the aspects of it that are introvert-friendly. For example, if you find that a day of back-to-back meetings leaves you totally depleted, try to space those meeting out over the course of the week instead.

Taking breaks from work, stepping outside for a breath of fresh air when it gets too hectic or turning off the work mode for a few minutes can also help introverts to pull through a busy day.

Connecting at work

The biggest obstacles may not be the routine days, but social events at work. And while it is important to put in the after-hours face time with your colleagues and contacts, but it is important to keep your social commitments manageable. Don’t over-commit yourself because you feel guilty about saying no—it’s better to be selective and happy.

Batman is an introvert, but Bruce Wayne makes the right connections to protect Gotham.

Image Credit: imgur

Showcase your talents

According to Grant and co-authors Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School, introverts make better leaders because of their ability to delegate appropriately and successfully. It is also important to step out of your comfort zone to embrace an opportunity.

Introverts have their own strengths. And they can use their skills to work well in an extrovert’s world.

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