Never Skip Breakfast, Here’s Why

Take a bite


Eating breakfast is a personal preference. You may skip breakfast simply because you are just not hungry or you don’t have the time for it. Or you may be aiming to reduce your calorie intake. But have you ever wondered what the consequences of breakfast skipping are? Skipping breakfast is a health concern.  It can have negative physical and psychological consequences. Here’s why you should never skip breakfast:

You could put on some kilos

Studies have positively associated skipping breakfast with overweight and obesity. Now isn’t that a paradox! Skipping breakfast would mean taking in fewer calories. Then, how could you possibly gain weight? Well, your overall diet quality is poorer when you skip breakfast. When you are hungry later in the day, you may overeat or snack unhealthy. Over time, this could possibly lead to weight gain. If you are one of those who eat breakfast, then chances are that you have other healthy lifestyle habits. Your food choice throughout the day tends to be better.

Can affect your blood sugar

Breakfast has a long-term influence on blood glucose level regulation that persists throughout the day. In breakfast skippers, after-lunch glucose and insulin levels have been found to be significantly higher. There is also an increased fat break down. In the long term, these may lead to low-grade inflammation and weakened blood sugar regulation. Breakfast skippers also tend to have health-compromising behaviours. If you skip breakfast regularly, you are comparatively likely to have an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. These factors increase your risk of developing diabetes.

Your heart won’t be spared either

Not eating breakfast can be detrimental to your heart. Studies have linked skipped breakfast to reduced heart rate variability (disparity in the intervals between heart beats) and increased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease. If your heart beats closer to a steady, consistent rhythm (low HRV), then you have a poor heart function. Skipping breakfast impairs your fasting fat levels, changes your metabolism (the way your body converts or uses energy), raises blood sugar and fat level and increases blood pressure. That’s a recipe for heart disease!

Hunger steals your mood

The levels of stress hormone cortisol are generally high in the morning. High cortisol can make you feel anxious. The lack of adequate fuel to your brain after an overnight fast can make you irritable and grumpy. The drop in your sugar levels makes you fatigued and less attentive. Eating a healthy breakfast has a beneficial influence on your concentration and memory. It has a positive effect on mood too.

(Image Credits- pixabay, giphy)