Overcome Osteoporosis Before 35 With These Fitness Options

Bones get weaker as you age.

Image Credit: Clinicas Raquis

Health problems and complications are on the rise with the kind of lifestyles we lead in the current date. Sometimes just a slight slip on the road may result in fractures and injuries. Osteoporosis is on the rise too but it can be controlled or prevented if we keep ourselves active with a few diet changes and some exercises too.Here are some basic exercises that can keep you away from bone damages and related complications.

Practice Weight Bearing Exercises Regularly

Say NO to escalator and lift!

Image Credit: The National

Any exercise where you stand up and apply the weight of your body to move is the best for your body. Practice climbing staircases, walking, running and hiking. When you perform these exercises, the bones tend to react to jolts and motivate muscles to work further. In turn, the bones get stronger.

Join An Aerobics Class Today

Aerobics is all your body needs!

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you are in your 20s or early 30s chances are you might be too busy with work demands but find time to join an aerobics class which is not only fun and good for health but keeps you refreshed. Aerobic movements allow you to step and dance and your muscles activate thereby strengthening the bones. Your body weight comes under your control. When muscles get stronger, your body has a better balance and there is a lower chance that you fall or get injured after a fall.

Play And Enjoy

This racket is your medicine!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Wondering how a game can improve your bone health? As you play, you get into actions like running and throwing. The stimulus develops automatically and with your improved focus, there is a lower chance of fall. Additionally, your muscles work like never before. Your body gets flexible. Sports are highly recommended by the physicians too because you get fit. Anyone who is fit is free from diseases.

With these fitness regimes, you can bid adieu to osteoporosis and stay young, stronger and fitter.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.