Taking A Moment To Thank Our Doctors On National Doctor’s Day

As lifestyle changes bring about varied health issues, their constant help manages it better


Our rushed and changing lifestyle is bringing about so many changes in our health, but thanks to those who dedicated themselves to the profession, we’re doing fine.

Nowadays, our hectic routine and other issues cause problems in our health that we may not always be prepared for. From starting to lose hair at an early age to facing health issues in women and other issues such as arthritis, which were earlier termed as health problems of the old, millennials today are facing these problems at a much early age.

However, with early diagnosis and the right treatment, it is possible to take care and manage these problems better.

Today, since it’s their day, let’s see what made these doctors take up this profession as their life.

“A healthy person should remain healthy and that is what I am striving for.”

Dr. Santosh Dhage, B.A.M.S. P.G.P. Panchakarma, is an ‘Ayurvedacharya’ and Founder of Dhage Healthcare, an Ayurveda Centre that uses pure and tested Ayurvedic medicines and has cured more than 10,000 patients suffering from the knee joint problem and osteoarthritis. For him, the idea of becoming a doctor started right in childhood.

“As a child, I was always interested in being a doctor, and eventually I moved into the Ayurveda space, to become an Ayurvedic doctor. The principal aim of Ayurveda is, “a healthy person should remain healthy” and that is what I am striving for.”

“The happiness I see in my patients on getting better keeps me going.”

Dr. Shilpa Patil, MBBS DGO and a gynaecologist and obstetrician for over a decade, says that it’s the joy she sees in her patients when they recover from a health issue that keeps her going. “To see the smile and happiness when we hand over the new born to their parents” is one of the biggest gifts she gets from her profession, she says.

“I think hair your hair can help boost your confidence a little, and I add that extra help.”

Dr Vinod Sonawane, MD – Hair Transplant Surgeon, PG Diploma in Trichology and Managing Director at Bloom Hair Transplant, was always worried about hair loss in people during his adolescent years.

“While growing up, whenever I saw any elderly people around me, the one thought that would come to my mind was that I had to work on something that was related to baldness. As a young mind, I was phobic to the idea of being bald, as it can shatter your confidence and lifestyle. So I wanted to do something that would help it, and gradually this turned into my passion. With time, it led me to study trichology and hair transplant, and thus I became a surgeon. I always believe that self-confidence is the most attractive quality you have, but if you can’t see it, how can others see it in you? I think hair your hair can surely help boost it a little, and I add that extra help.”

On National Doctor’s Day, thanks once again to the team of doctors and medical care professionals who are helping us stay fitter and healthier, and managing it with us.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.