Five Habits That Are Ruining Your Creativity

You must stop these habits now if you want to boost your creativity

Image Credit: amazonaws

Often it may feel that creativity is a privilege, bestowed on few born under a lucky star. But, while it varies from person to person, creativity is not that elusive. Every individual has a creative streak in some measure. It is often that habits and conditioning may restrict the creative juices.

There are certain negative habits that inhibit creativity. This can be harmful, especially if you are in a field where your productivity is directly related to your power of creative thinking. If so, you can try to break the spiral of these habits to ensure that your creativity at work remains at a peak.

Here are five habits that can ruin your creativity at work.

Self-Doubt Can Be Fatal

You need to give up on self-doubt. None of the successful people waste time on self-doubt. You have to be confident to take the road less travelled and venture out with a new idea with courage. Each individual is unique, and you have to trust your instinct to remain creative.

Rise Above The Fear Of Failure

You can’t be bold and creative when you’re afraid of failure. If your goal is to avoid failure and mistakes, you will play it out conservatively and quietly. Creativity means taking chances and venturing down some dead ends. All brilliant ideas are the result of trial and many errors.

Ranbir Kapoor could not fully explore his photography skills because he was scared to venture out and explore it for the fear of failure in ‘Wake Up Sid’

Image Credit: Movie – Wake Up Sid

Avoid Comparisons And Competition

When you compare yourself with others, you rob yourself of your own unique innovation and imagination. Set your own standards of creativity and don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Allow yourself the freedom to think differently.

Bhavna Mishra, heading Project DIYs at Fevicril, believes that there is a difference between getting inspired and getting influenced. She says, “You can take inspirations from the things you come across, like on social media, but at the same time you should not compare yourself to it or get so influenced that you lose your own originality.”

Taking Criticism Lightly

Avoid taking criticism personally. No idea is bad, it may not be relevant to the present problem. But taking criticism of an idea personally halts the thinking process, and may send you into a spiral of negativity.

Over Thinking Does Not Help

Avoid analysis-paralysis. This terrible condition renders you unable to make a decision because of information overload. When you feel you have sufficient information, focus on the present concern and go with your instincts.

Bhavna believes that the most essential thing for creativity is patience. You cannot be creative when working on a tight deadline. You also need to be able to visualise your ideas. Out of box thinking should remain relevant to the present concern.

Breaking these bad habits will help you boost creativity at work.