Should We Have A Shorter Working Day?

The call for a shorter work day is trending these days.

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The workspace is now evolving in many different ways. While there are those who are juggling multiple jobs, there are also those who are working for multiple companies from home. While there are those who turn up at office at flexible timings, there are also those who do not turn up at all. With changing times and evolving trends, there is a new discussion against the traditional office hours. Ideally, a work day includes at least 7-8 hours. There are offices that require you to work for even more. But, the new and progressing idea is to cut down on these hours. People are pushing for shorter work days with claims of it being more productive and efficient. Is it? Let’s find out!

Higher Productivity And Better Outcomes

Working long and hard doesn’t guarantee results. It only guarantees undue stress.

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The key to productivity does not lie in working long hours. Instead it lies in people working for shorter periods of time BUT while maintaining unwavering focus on what they’re doing. The keyword here is focus. Add smartness to that and you have got yourself the perfect formula for productivity. It is only by working smartly and keeping your focus can you achieve highest level of productivity. Working for long hours will make you bored (takes away the smartness) and also take away your focus. Thus, losing the two most important elements of productivity! With less working hours, the workers are happier and become more productive. This also improves the level of outcome significantly.

Less Stress

This is an obvious perk of shorter work day. Less working hours will mean less stress on your body and mind. Additionally, you will also get more time to invest in yourself and your family/friends. Lack of balance in work and life is often one of the most common reasons of stress and pressure amongst professionals. This can easily be solved by shorter work days. When you are not completely consumed with work, the defined hours you give to work become precious for you. Thus, you give your best in those hours without stressing over the work-life balance.

A Win-Win Situation

You win. The company wins. The environment wins. The society wins. Everyone wins.

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Not only you will be happier as professionals but your company will to be happier because of enhanced work quality and more productivity. Thus, it will be a win-win situation for all. Additionally, shorter work day will also help save electricity and other resources which means it is a win for the environment as well. Mental and physical well being of a person also positively affects their family, thus scoring a social win as well. A shorter work day is hence a completely win-win situation!

Start the discussion for shorter work day at your office today!