These Breakfast Ingredients Are Great For Your Skin

Not only can you eat them, you can apply them once in a while as a face mask too!

Image Credit: videoblocks

How many times have you heard that it’s important to start your day with a good breakfast?

Well, if you thought a healthy body was what you need to eat your breakfast for, you probably haven’t heard this yet. Did you know that the same things that you can eat at breakfast are also super great for your skin, making it healthy for you not only from the inside, but also from the outside?

If you’re already hungry for more, we’ve got some interesting breakfast ideas for you, that are good to fill your tummy, and make your skin yummy as well.

Oatmeal Porridge And A Face Mask

Oatmeal is a great exfoliating agent that will help to naturally remove the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and reveal fresh and glowing skin. This is also good if you have pigmentation, because it can make your complexion more even-toned and smoother. You can make your own face mask with this by choosing to add banana, milk, strawberry, rose water or honey to it.

The Good Ol’ Besan To Combat Tanning

If you’re worried about the after-effects of tanning on the skin, the very desi besan, or gram flour, can give you great results. A lot of people also love to use it for its oil controlling properties, which also helps to prevent acne and breakouts. Using this regularly on your skin will add a natural healthy glow and improve complexion too.

That Yummy Cocoa Powder

A great way to delay signs of ageing

Image Credit: inquisitr

Who says cocoa is just good to eat or drink? Did you know of the many benefits of cocoa for your skin? The thing is – this powerful source of antioxidants is a luxurious way of fighting off any free radical damage on the skin that will help to delay the signs of fine lines, wrinkle and ageing. The caffeine in cocoa will also help to naturally tone up and firm the skin, which can prevent sagging.

ACV – Not Just For Weight Loss

Everybody is talking about the weight loss effects of apple cider vinegar, but it is also great as a toner! The natural alpha-hydroxy acids in ACV will remove dirt and unclog your pores, which can make your skin healthier and radiant, and also reduce chances of breakout.

Love Orange Juice? Do This

That glass of orange juice feels so refreshing for breakfast isn’t it? Similarly, using it on your face, in powder, zest or juice form, can do wonders for your skin. Not only will it make your skin look more radiant and refreshed, it will also boost the production of natural collagen which will help to keep your skin firmer and younger looking.

If you’ve been skipping breakfast till now, looks like you got more than just one reason to start it right away.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.