Tips to Make Hickey Disappear Fast

Natural Solutions to Fade Away Hickey


Well, if you’re reading this, we can assume that you already know what a hickey is. In case you don’t, a hickey or a love bite is a kind of bruise that occurs when you kiss or suck the skin too hard. Both can result in the delicate capillaries under your skin breaking or pooling blood – which then causes the skin to turn reddish purple.
Now hickeys don’t last more than a week; but here’s the thing – hickeys tend to be embarrassing. You could always pass them off as insect bites or allergies, but hickeys have a distinct appearance, and let’s face it, you’re not fooling anyone with these silly excuses. Instead, you could try some home remedies to get rid of them, eventually in a day or two, if not instantly. Once the mark becomes light or faded, well, you might perhaps convince others with your insect-bite excuses.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hickey

1. Cold Compress

Cold compress always does the trick. You could wrap some ice cubes in a towel and apply that on the bruised area. Keep the ice pack in place for a while till the area feels numb. Applying ice will release the blood clots and will regulate flow of blood in the area. Your skin should return to normal in a day or two. You could even use a spoon that has been refrigerated to use on the affected area. Keep rubbing till the spoon warms up. You can repeat the process multiple times a day.

2. Apply Peppermint Oil

Peppermint has a kind of stimulating effect which regulates the flow and circulation of blood in the area. You could apply some peppermint oil on the hickey to get rid of it in no time. After application, the area is bound to feel a little cold and you might even feel a kind of tingling sensation. But that doesn’t last long, and you’ll be left with a soothing effect.

3. Use Alcohol

If it hasn’t been long since you discovered the hickey, apply alcohol. Yes, you heard that right. Alcohol contains ethanol which has healing properties since it is a kind of disinfectant. Pour some alcohol onto a cotton ball and rub it gently over the hickey. That would also reduce any kind of pain or discomfort that you may have been facing. It will also help you get rid of the love bite in no time.

4. Sooth with Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its medicinal properties; it could help with the sensitive skin over the bruised area. Aloe Vera also, has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which can help your skin. It would help your affected capillaries heal faster and would also improve the circulation of blood. If you have a hickey you need to get rid of, go for Aloe Vera gel.

5. Massage

Another tip on how to get rid of a hickey is the massage method, whereby massaging the area increases circulation allowing the coagulated blood to be broken up and dispersed.

Hickeys are downright awkward and embarrassing, more so if you have class or work the next day. And if you have one of those strict and suspecting parents back home, may God save your life! There’s no instant remedy, but you can always speed up the process with these home remedies!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.