What Causes Low Libido And Sexual Drive In Women?

Why you’re not enjoying sex and what it could mean for your health


You probably enjoyed sex a lot and loved getting intimate with your partner, but if sex fails to interest you of late and if you’re barely ever in the mood, don’t blame yourself.

With years, libido and the interest in sex reduces naturally in both men and women, and a little more in women.

However, if you’re never looking forward to it, and if you’d rather get in bed and read than steam it up a bit, maybe there’s more than meets the eyes.

In case this is quite a regular affair, there’s a medical term for it – female sexual arousal disorder, or female sexual interest disorder.

Why am I losing interest in sex?

There could be quite a few possibilities here, but some of the most common ones are:

  • If you regularly find sex uncomfortable or painful, it can interfere with your orgasm or pleasure quotient, and make it difficult for your body to get ready for it the next time.
  • Certain medications can cause disruption in the sexual hormones, which makes it difficult for your body to respond to sexual intimacy. A lot of anti-depressants and sleep medications are known for killing libido.
“I can flip on a switch in my brain, and even if the next Brad Pitt is sitting next to me, I won’t look at him. But I can also turn that switch off, and then I collect attractive boys.” – Megan Fox

Image Credit: celebrityinsider

  • Women often experience low or no sexual desire due to an imbalance in hormones. This is especially true when you are going through your monthly periods.
  • If you are stressed, are suffering from anxiety, have poor sleep, are overly tired, have recently been through some health issue and recently got off medication, these too could be potential reasons.
  • Psychological issues such as not being confident about your body, having a low self-esteem and the fear of being hurt emotionally and a feeling of insecurity can also often trigger lack of sexual interest.

If not taken care of on time, this can lead to a permanent condition, where it can get difficult to enjoy sexual intimacy with your partner.

What can you do about it?

Counselling, medication and hormonal therapy are some of the most common forms of treatment.

While sex is not the only thing in a relationship, it is definitely one of the most important aspects that connect you and your partner. Many women face this issue, but speaking to your doctor and talking to your partner about it can definitely help.

Read Also: 5 Spices To Spice Up Your Sex Drive

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.