Here’s Why Omung Kumar Is Going Back To Manipur

Director Omung Kumar and his love for the North East


Director Omung Kumar seems to be in love with the North East part of India. He earlier directed the hit film Mary Kom, which was based on the life of a boxing legend from the North East. Omung is all set to go back to the North East yet again. Nope, not for a Summer break! He’s going back there to make a film on another sport along the lines of rugby, locally called Yubi Lukpi by the people of Manipur. Some believe that Yubi Lukpi was the original version of rugby.

Yubi Lukpi is a local Manipuri sport and is played with coconuts and said to be similar to rugby. Some believe that Yubi Lukpi was the original version of rugby.Omung has been working on the script of the film since the last two years. The film will be produced by Sandeep Singh and will be shot in Manipur and London since the story revolves around Manipur and then England. Portions of the film will be shot in Mauritius as well. The final shoot locations will be decided based on the story.

Yubi Lukpi is like rugby but it’s played with a coconut instead of a ball!

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Omung is working with a team of writers to make sure every aspect of the story is got right. The director-producer duo is looking to hire local talent to make sure the film looks authentic, just like they did for Mary Kom.Omung said, “With Yubi Lukpi, we are tracing the journey of the Indian Rugby Team. Yes, India plays Rugby and it’s high time the sport gets a pushup in the country. We’re still working on the story and once complete, we will begin shooting.”

Sandeep said, “Omung does wonders with sports dramas. We wanted to tell the story of rugby to the people of this country. Every sport deserves to have its story told and to have people cheering for them. We did not plan on going back to Manipur, but the story took us there. We are glad to be showing off small pockets of India producing dedicated sports people.”

The shooting of the film will commence in 2019 and we’re hoping this will be as exciting as Mary Kom!

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