5 First Date Mistakes Boys Should Avoid

Your first date could be your last if you make these mistakes


Though some may disagree, first dates aren’t always a piece of cake. Some are so horrid that it could make a perfect horror film script! They are many things that could go wrong and trust me, ‘many’ is an understatement. Here are a few mistakes.

Mistake Number Uno: Creepy Compliments

Image Credit: prozeny

Never compliment a girl on her assets directly, it’s a sure way to know you’re never getting laid. Instead subtly compliment her on the way she looks because you don’t want to make an ugly first impression. Shakespeare is your weapon, make sure to use his exacts words for a dashing first impression. You can do something like this:
Him: “Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck, And yet methinks I have astronomy, But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive.”

Mistake Number Dos: Chivalry No More

Image Credit: YT

Always pull the chair for her to sit on. Yes, they say chivalry is dead but it’s truly dead when a man fails to pull back the chair for his lady friend. What kind of message are you sending her if you waltz to your chair without having so much as the courtesy to help her to her seat? The wrong one, that’s what! Always lead her to her chair. Pull back the chair for her and only once she’s properly seated retreat to your seat.

Mistake Number Tres: Forgetting Her Name

Image Credit: osmopolitan

Whatever you do, don’t forget her name. Sounds silly, right? But that’s the worst place to go wrong. You don’t want to be calling her Lucy when her name is actually Mhlanga-Nyahuye. That’s a major turn off. The look she’ll give you after that is one that will set the living soul out of you. Although you can cover up with an honest apology, saying that you have a hard time remembering names.

Mistake Number Cuatro: Speaking With Your Mouth Full

Image Credit: rotana

Never speak with a mouth full of food. No woman wants penne, cilantro or small pieces of avocado flying out of your mouth and ruining her expensive dress. It just makes her question as to why she’s made the worst decision of her entire being to wear her 10K Gucci dress on a date with a douchebag like you. Finish your morsel of food and then continue speaking about your interests or go on to ask her a question, for as all generations have witnessed, women love to talk! Make small talk. Don’t eat for 5 continuous minutes only to finally look up to an empty chair.

Mistake Number Cinco: Foul Smelling Mouth

Image Credits – v.qq

Remember to always carry mouth freshener.Yes, for the first kiss but also because majority of people judge you on the basis of personal grooming. She may respect the fact that you had to go for a smoke mid date, but don’t come back smelling of smoke which will act as a repellent. Leaning in shows desire for intimacy but bad breath will force her to create the biggest curve of the century. One, from which you’ll never recover my dear, naïve friend. I bet you’re hoping for a kiss at the door after you drop her home, just like in the movies. But a stanky breath will lead to a peck on the cheek which she is forcing herself to do. So, always carry mouth freshener if you want to have a good time and want an uninterrupted kiss!

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