5 Ways To Avoid Being Friendzoned By A Boy

If you like a boy and he does not know it, here are 5 ways to avoid being friendzoned.


It can be very frustrating to be friendzoned by a guy if you like him. To be fine with his flirting with other girls, or to put in so many emotions and not receive them back. So here are 5 ways to be his girl and avoid being friendzoned.

1. Admit the status

You can make a start by admitting the status that you are only friends. Remember you already have a strong foundation by being friends. Be there when he needs you or join him if he plans any activities with you.

2. Date another guy

This is an age old strategy to get his attention. Jealousy works for guys too. Seeing you with another guy may make him realize that he would miss you if he lost you.


3. Plan things outside the group

Suggest going for dinner or movies only with him. Plan activities outside the friend circle and look out for events he may be interesting in like cricket matches, movies or treks. This will let him know that you take an interest in him and like spending time with him.

4. Dress fancy for him

Dress with special care when you are out with him. Put on some make up and dress little more fancy than you usually do. Just enough to get his attention that you have taken an extra effort. Do not go overboard with that black velvet dress.

5. Confess your feelings

Although this may be difficult for girls to do, it is better to be honest. Sometimes guys are shy to approach you if they are not sure of your feelings. You can express your feelings if you trust him. Do it with dignity, without appearing desperate.

If you carry out these tricks with panache, you may have the guy and be safely out of the friendzone.

(Image credits- seventeen.com, giphy)