5 Things You Can Do To Survive Long Flights

5 Things You Can Do To Survive Long Flights


If you often fly on long haul flights, there is only so much you can read. You could listen to music or get some work done, but then, that too gets tedious after a point. If you are looking for some new and fun ways to keep yourself busy and distracted, here is a list to while away those long hours.

1. Doodling or colouring is good for you

The “prescription” of adult coloring finds its way back to the great psychologist Carl Jung. These days, adult colouring books come in all shades. Grab one for your flight, as they help for emotional and mental catharsis. They reduce stress and anxiety, and you will feel refreshed by touchdown.

2. Perfect your picture

Use the time to edit the loads of picture you had time to click, but no time to edit. You will have plenty of time to try the new and different filters. With a more advanced app, you might get those random quick clicks looking more professional. Get them instagram proof, ready to post as soon as you are back online.

3. Play Games

There are many interesting travel games you can try out. Play some of childhood throwbacks if you have fun company. For instance, name the six countries that begin and end in the same letter, excluding the letter “a” or try to guess what cities you’re flying over. A popular all time favorite is to guess shapes in clouds.

4. There is so much to listen to out there

Load your playlist with downloaded podcasts or TedTalks. You can hear them out without any disturbance. You can also listen to audio books. Seriously, only your interest is a limitation to how much information you can cover while flying.

5. Put the pen to paper, finally!

This could be a rare opportunity to finally start putting your thoughts on paper. You can catch up on your journal or update your to-do lists or write a scathing review of airplane meals. You can also revive the lost art of writing letters, and surprise your loved ones with a post-card.
Long flights are a gift of time in disguise. Gear up with the essentials on your next flight for a fun time in the air.

Do you know of other interesting things to do while flying? Share your views in the comments below.

(Image Credits: huffingtonpost.in, giphy.com>