Are Big Cities Ruining Our Relationships?

How Relations get spoilt and complicated at Big Cities


Have you ever come across anyone who has never suffered the pangs of heartbreaks? Let’s just ignore the relatively small percentage of people who went to tuition and came straight back home. Everyone you come across is a story, albeit a sad and incomplete one. People invest in relationships and go through that elaborately grand and messy affair of getting their hearts broken. “Aajkalkebachhe” are often deemed responsible for being reckless with their relationships. And you either end up blaming yourself or your partner. No its not you. And it’s not him. It’s the time and the place where you stay, instead!

Why are big cities a threat to our relationships?

  • With the increasing globalization and urbanization, we all want to live in a bigger city and lead the “good life”. Metropolitan cities convince you that you need a certain kind of lifestyle, certain set of things and certain qualities in a partner to make you happy. That is why consumerism is flourishing so greatly because happy people are very unhealthy for the economy. Even when you have found someone, the big cities convince you there is someone better.
The changing faces of relationships in Life in a Metro

Image Credit: Movie – Life in a Metro

  • It is in fact, quite easy to achieve a life-balance in smaller towns. You don’t have to travel halfway across the city stuck in hours of traffic to go to work and take a u-turn to eat. As a result, the dynamics of a relationship in big cities are becoming intricate, so much so that partners cannot grasp each other’s wavelength completely. Even if they can, they hardly have any time to either communicate the issues or work on their relationships. They feel it’s easier to end it than confront one another and talk it out. Remember how the lives of the couples in Life in a Metro, were filled with complications, infidelity and heart-breaks?
  • Everyone in big cities is stuck in a vicious cycle from which there is hardly any escape. Paying rent, bills, making ends meet, drowning in the cacophony of traffic jams and more. Someone is always late at a date. These small issues build up over time into a wall which partners cannot break through to reach each other.
  • Our personal frustration adds to that and massively weighs us down. As a result we don’t have the time to enjoy a cup of coffee with our better halves. Everything is mechanized and so impersonal that people have forgotten how to love. We don’t put enough efforts because we are always so exhausted from the daily toil. Our sex lives suck because we’d rather snore ourselves to sleep after a hard day’s work than get intimate with our partners.
Zoya moved along after her studies in Delhi, but Kundankept loving her

Image Credit: Movie – Raanjhanaa

We all remember how the innocence and simplicity of the budding love between Dhanush and Sonam in Benaras becomes complicated once she returns after completing her studies from a renowned university in Delhi, in the movie Raanjhanaa. Big cities definitely open up wide arrays of opportunities for us but they also mess up our relationships and wreck our marriages. How is it possible to love when each second of our lives are strictly bound to the calendar and by the numerous responsibilities? We cannot think of a vacation without counting our leaves. It is a generation that seeks so much more and that has numbed us.

Read Also: How To Keep Your Relationship Healthy?