How To Keep Your Relationship Healthy?

Some tips for you and your partner to create a healthy relationship

How To Keep Your Relationship Healthy?

Who says being in a relationship is easy? Of course, it isn’t. But the trick is to know how to take the ups and downs and you will surely weather the storm.

Romantic relationships are important for our happiness and well-being and hence, you need to hone the skills to keep your relationship as clean as possible, as healthy as possible.

Few tips for you and your partner to create and most importantly to maintain a healthy relationship:

Healthy Communication

Fundamentals of a Healthy Relationship is – Open, Honest and Safe communication. Apart from that, trust and loyalty are also one of the foundation stones of a healthy and strong relationship. Make sure that you understand each other well and clarify your misunderstandings whenever they take place. If you’re bugged up by something, talk about it, instead of bottling it up.

George Clooney says his wife Amal is someone who he can talk to about anything

George Clooney, who is married to Amal, had once told Hollywood Reporter that, “I have someone whom I can talk to about anything and someone whom I care more about than I’ve cared about anybody.”

Give Personal Space

Don’t make it a rule to share passwords of your email account and social media accounts. There’s no such need to constantly hang out together. Go out with your friends too once in a while without your partner. Just because you’re in a relationship that doesn’t mean you have to share everything. Give each other their own personal space. A big key to a healthy relationship is giving each other the room to grow and change the rules.

Mutual Respect

If you feel that your feelings, thoughts, and opinions should be valued then, even you should value and consider your partner’s opinions and feelings. Respect should be mutual. Well, disagreements are natural in every relationship because no two people are alike in this world. But if your partner disagrees on something then learn to compromise in a comfortable manner. Let your soul mate know that you understand them and try to place your opinion keeping their ideas in mind.

Beyonce and Jay Z revealed that they share a great understanding level

Beyonce spoke about her relationship with Jay Z in a 2013 Vogue interview, saying, “Just knowing someone’s always going to be honest and tell the truth … who can understand exactly what I’m going through and I can understand exactly what he’s going through is an amazing feeling.”

Support Each Other

A relationship is about being there for each other through thick and thin, through good and bad times. If your significant other is doing something great, then encourage him/her. Don’t stop them from achieving something big. Help them grow. Here’s a secret: Your partner will work with more enthusiasm if he/she has your total support and love. Give them your constant reassurance. If they’re unsure of something, make them feel how good and capable they are. Healthy relationships are about building each other and not to let each other down.

Bipasha Basu says her hubby Karan Singh Grover is very supportive

Talking about her husband-actor Karan Singh Grover, Bipasha Basu said, “I have always been a believer. And Karan is like that, too. I feel I am lucky, as I live only for love. And no man has given me more love and respect than Karan. I might not be looking for the same thing in marriage like others do. He is extremely supportive, and I am lucky to have him in my life.”

Be Best Friends First

Now, this may sound unromantic, but yes acting like best friends in a relationship increases the level of comfort manifolds. When your ‘best friend’ and ‘significant other’ is the same person, then just imagine how great it would be to chill and spill out your secrets without any fears. Believe it or not, those who have lived it, most say it’s the best part of their time together.

We all desire to have a relationship that is filled with happiness, joy, and love. All it requires is some give and take, which is absolutely within your reach if you and your partner are willing to take efforts towards building it.

We hope these advices help you to ensure your relationship stays healthy in the long run.

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