Baby, You Should Actually Go And Love Yourself!

Loving yourself is the best thing to do!


Your vibe attracts your tribe. That saying is so true. In this day and age, when everyone is independent, it’s very important to understand the practice of ‘Self-Love’. Self-Love empowers you. It’s this magical feeling of being one with yourself and learning how to respect yourself. Take cues from Geet aka Kareena Kapoor’s character from the movie Jab We Met, just be your own favorite first and the world will adjust!

Accept your body

Body shaming has become a trend in our society over the past few years and it’s time we start practicing body empowerment. There’s nothing wrong with having cellulite, a round tummy, stretch marks. These features are part of who are you and they don’t define your beauty. Start loving your body and taking care of it because it’s the only physical entity fighting to keep you alive every day.

Self Confidence

I know, this is easier said than done. But I just cannot stress enough about the importance of it. This is one trait that will bring you far in life. Self-confidence isn’t just being able to walk into a room full of people making a speech, it’s about hearing a bad comment about yourself but smiling because it meant nothing to you. It’s about self-validation. It’s about knowing what kind of person you are. Building up confidence doesn’t just bring you up, it enables you to uplift others as well.

Spend time with yourself

It’s necessary to have some alone time with yourself. Whether you go out to eat, or express your thoughts and journal, or just put on some music and jam. Being alone keeps you grounded, and able to connect with yourself. Find out what your passions are, how you would describe yourself, what is important to you.

Spend a quiet time with yourself

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All this may sound very preachy so here are some exercises to start being mindful and connecting with yourself

  • Write down what you are grateful for
  • Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love you
  • Find ways to pamper yourself
  • Find the kind of person you want to be and work towards being that person
  • Be excited to be in your own company

If you can’t love yourself, how can you expect anybody else to love you?

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more worthy of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the universe are worthy of your love and affection.” – Buddha

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