First Time Sex? Then You Should Know This

Your first time should be special, so make sure you’re ready for it

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The first time can be awkward, fun, memorable, really enjoyable and truly special, and as long as it is consensual for both of you, and as long as you really want to do it and are safe, things will be great. Just remember the following and you’ll definitely have a good time.

It Doesn’t Have To Hurt Too Much

Most women believe that first time sex will hurt a lot, but that’s not true. It will definitely be a little uncomfortable and painful, but if done the right way, it won’t hurt that bad. In fact, guys too can feel a little uncomfortable and feel some pain, but you can use lubes to reduce the pain and increase the pleasure.

Protection Is Important

Whether you’re the girl or the guy, carrying a condom will keep you both protected against any sexually transmitted diseases. It also helps if you hadn’t planned on having sex, but the situation led up to it. No need to hunt for one in the middle of the night or end up agreeing to sex without protection.

Know Who You Are With

Having your first time with a friend you know could be good idea for you both

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Sex with a stranger is exciting but not if you’re concerned about safety. Know who you’re having sex with, rather than going to a stranger’s place who you just met for the first time a few hours back. When you’re comfortable and safe, it keeps you relaxed and makes the overall experience more satisfying and less painful.

First Foreplay. Second, Sex

No matter how excited you both are, don’t just jump right into the act. Foreplay will put you both at ease and let your bodies prepare for the final act. This will make you experience sex in a more pleasurable and satisfying way, so don’t ignore it.

Make It Mutual

Don’t imagine your partner can read your mind, but say it out instead. Even if you’re having sex for the first time, you’ll know whether or not your body is reciprocating in a nice way. If something hurts, say it, if something feels nice, say that out too.

This will surely be an experience you will want to remember for life, so make sure you are prepared, protected and safe. And yes, while there is so much pressure attached to the first time, don’t do it just because your friends did it. Do it when you want to.