Here’s What You Must Know If Dating A Office Colleague

A Date from Work? Here's a Checklist before you go


It is said everything is fair in love and war. What do you do when these two terms coincide? When you are in love all you want to do is be with or around that person. And you’d perhaps kill to do that if it wasn’t illegal. Your weekend slots have not matched and you decide to meet on a weekday. So what big a deal is work or office? Just another place that you have to escape to be with your beloved and enjoy a candlelight dinner or a nice movie. But it’s easier said than done. We have all sacrificed the most important things in life just to spend some time with our partner. We have all known the word priority but never quite learned the meaning of it. Have we?

Since the first statement stands true, here is a checklist that will help you better when you are sneaking out of office to enjoy a date!

Make sure you have your Work sorted!

The first step if you are sneaking out of anywhere is to make sure you have completed all the pending work for the day. Do you really want to tell them that you are going on a date? Perhaps not. Neither would you or your partner like it, if your phone keeps ringing asking for that pending work. Remember to reschedule meetings if any and handover the work properly, to direct your attention towards your partner instead of your phone.

You are what you wear

If you are going on a date you can’t be dressed in your formals. Although formals can be pretty hot, but save it for the right occasion. Of course, you can’t go to office in your party wear. So, carry that extra shirt/t-shirt or top/dress in your bag. For women, you may want to ensure you have your survival kit handy like your makeup box. A light touch up will be a real charmer. You can carry your stilettos in your purse too. The right shoes are attractive, but formal shoes are not!

Love is in the air and so is bad body odor!

Make sure you smell like summer when you sneak out. Carry a deodorant or a perfume to prevent poor body odor. No one wants to smell like crap on a date. And worse, no one wants to date anyone who smells like crap!

Plan it out

You need to get the place sorted, pre-book everything and follow up before reaching, if necessary. If you are planning to woo and pursue her make sure you get her a present. If you don’t have it buy something like beautiful lilies or a ring from a store. A gift for your lady love is half battle won already!

Clock is ticking

While you are doing all these make sure you don’t forget about the time. You have to be early if you are going to pick her up. If you are planning on picking up a gift, then you cannot neglect the time either. Time is not your friend! So, on a weekday, rush-hour traffic can be a very bad enemy if you don’t have much time in your hands.

When you are finally there, ensure you don’t look stressed out. Take time and relax and wear that charming smile to grab his/her heart. It’s your love you are going to see after all! So make the most of this time!

Read Also: Dating A Colleague? Here’s What You Must Know