Hey Millennials, Why Are You Having Less Sex?

Despite the ‘open about sex’ image, looks like millennials are having way less sex than you would realize

Image Credit: rollingstone

Hey millennials, if you’ve been priding yourself on the fact that you’re clearly one of the better generations and that you’re on top of the game when it comes to living life, love, the good things of life, and sex, looks like you’re not really doing that great after all.

Did you know that the Telegraph reported that the millennials, which is you in most probability, are having less sex, and that you are probably actually waiting longer to have sex than your previous generation!

Not just that, in the year 2016, the Los Angeles Times reported that millennials have had the least amount of sex as compared to any generation in the last 60 years!

Wait, what??!!

Get out some of those 80s Bollywood movies and check out the hidden or subtle meanings of those coy looks and those stolen glances. Looks like those stolen glances and moments did better than the so-called open culture and free mind that the millennials are so often (dis)credited with.

Jokes apart, if these reports are anything to go by, what’s really going on millennials? Is it a fear of commitment, or an identity or gender crisis that is causing this conflict and leading to less and later sex than earlier, or is it a general lack of interest in sex and higher pressures at work and more ambitions that are giving prominence to the work desk rather than the pleasure bed?

When your phone or work is part of the love triangle, sex can take a back seat

Image Credit: nypost

One theory that some have put forth is that it is the fear of social media invading all aspects of your life that is making people, read millennials, more and more concerned, and maybe wary of sharing their feelings with another, who they can potentially get intimate with.

For instance, you get interested in someone who you recently met, either at a party or at work and want to ask them out on a date, but the fear of rejection, of being called out and especially being spoken about on social media, where the world is waiting to find out everything, is making you take too many precautions.

The other theory is that the idea that millennials are just all about sex got so over hyped, that the idea of sex actually took a back seat.

So what is it? Are you really rolling about in the wilderness and heating it up, or are you still taking those cautious steps and waiting to ask someone for sex, or are you just too busy at work to bother with sex? What is it?

Read Also: Is Sex Necessary In A Relationship?