How Far Would You Go To Propose Your SO?

Some of the craziest proposal from around the globe


Not all proposal anecdotes are rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes even after having gone through a lot of trouble and spending a fortune people are turned down. Sometimes people give “proposing in style” a new definition. They take “all or nothing” to heart and strive to execute it even if they have to buy 99 I phones to express their love only to be rejected! Here are a few hilarious/extreme proposal stories that will give you new ideas or bad examples

Sky high

Who could turn down a mid-air zero gravity proposal?

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Graciela Asturias is the luckiest girl perhaps since her partner decided to propose to her mid-air while floating some 1000 feet above in zero gravity (microgravity) created by the specially made aircraft Boeing 727.

Sky dive

A Proposal during Sky Diving is unique indeed

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The proposal escapades in the sky never get old. Mateo Martinez asked the question to his girlfriend when they were 20,000 feet above just as they were going to sky dive. This man surely has some guts!

A Very Own Ad Space

Who says no when your boyfriend proposes on TV?

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Rand wanted to do something extreme for his proposal game plan. He wanted to propose through a super bowl commercial! And how did he do that ?! He raised money through the internet. Yes. And we are talking about a staggering $2.5 million dollars. He bought his own ad space and popped the question. He obviously got a big YES as an answer. Well now you know, when there is internet there is a way!

Video games are a good way to go

Probably the most nerdy and coolest proposals of all

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Bernie Peng hacked into his sweetheart’s game, reprogrammed it so as to make a pink sapphire ring pop out with his question. The coolest nerdy proposal award should go to him. In fact, the company officials were pleasantly surprised to hear this and they offered to contribute an amount for their wedding.

Cruising your proposal

Would you ever say “no” to a proposal from Tom Cruise?

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Joao Martins, a camera man asked Tom Cruise to propose to his girlfriend. Which woman would say no to Tom Cruise? They should probably name their children after him!

The stories with hilarious/craziest proposals are never ending. People have proposed on rollercoaster rides , on virtual videogames, in Disney land , under water and what not? So what are you planning for your partner ? Whatever it is that you decide to do , don’t forget to go nuts!

Read Also: How Top Celebrities Proposed To Their Lady Love?