Easy Breakfast Ideas For Bachelors

Are you a bachelor, skipping breakfast to get a few minutes of sleep. Then you need to check these breakfast ideas.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It must be nutritious, fresh and wholesome. But many of us trade breakfast for few minutes of sleep every morning, especially bachelors who have to prepare their meal themselves.

The few extra minutes of dreaming and skipping the breakfast complement each other too well. So the smart thing is to get your sleep and also not compromise on the nutritious breakfast. How can you achieve both? Well, plan smartly with these easy breakfast ideas.


Nutrition as well as quick breakfast idea

Image Credit: food.ndtv.com

Making it easy and it will take you just ten minutes while giving you just the nutrition you need in the morning. You can avoid the potatoes to make it healthy and reduce the preparation time. To enhance the taste you can also add some peanuts and fried potatoes.

Boiled Eggs

Egg can be a very versatile breakfast with nutrition

Image Credit: incredibleegg.org

What can be more versatile than boiled eggs? You just have to boil fresh eggs and you are done. You can make variety of breakfast dishes with it, using your creativity. Smash boiled eggs in salad or on brown bread and you can add a little more calorie to you breakfast.


Sandwiches are healthier and quick to make

Credit: seriouseats.com

With many ready-to-eat dressings available in the market you have a lot of options to experiment. You can add the dressing to the slice of bread, grill it or toast it – voila you are done. Making sandwich takes less time than making your ‘staple’ plate of maggie. By the way sandwiches are healthier than ready-to-eat noodles.

Fruit Salad

Toss all your favorite fruits for quick meal in morning

Image Credit: delish.com

What can better than fresh salad right in the morning. You may feel that the preparation time would be more with all the pealing and slicing. But on the contrary, preparing fruit salad is very easy. Make the preparation overnight and in the morning just toss all the fruits together and some chat-masala and you have the healthiest breakfast meals ready.


Sprouts are healthiest of all and can be used in many ways

Image Credit: archanaskitchen.com

Just boil some sprouts overnight and keep them in the fridge. Also make other arrangements like sliced tomatoes and sliced onions already chopped and stored in the fridge. In the morning all you need to do is toss all the ingredients together and the spices to have a healthy munch in the morning.

So now you can have extra minutes of sleep as well as your delicious breakfast without compromising on any with quick make breakfast ideas.

Read Also: Traditional Indian Breakfast From Around India