How To Avoid The Wrong Partner For A One Night Stand

Beware of falling in the trap!

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Party animals are all ready to welcome the New year. Parties have been planned and like all social gatherings, we often come across some people who are at parties just to hook up for a one night stand. You might come across one of those kind of people . While some people might be OK with this there are some who may not. I am the one who invests emotionally in a relationship, so unable to comprehend such trending concepts. And I believe there are some people like me who think relationships are far more than just physical intimacy with your partner.

But, we are not entitled to judge anyone. If you are the person who isn’t interested in a one night stand, you shouldn’t fall in the trap of such people because that might emotionally destroy you and you might feel used at the end of the day. So, here are some kickass excuses you can make to avoid the wrong partner coming your way.

I Am In A Relationship

Whether you are in a relationship or not, this can be an ever-ready excuse to avoid wrong partners in parties. When you say this statement, the guy/girl will definitely take a step back. If they do not, then you’ll have to be firm and say that you are not the one who is going to cheat on his/her partner. This way you can avoid people who are just interested in physical intimacy.

I Have A Flight To Catch

Try something like;‘Baby, I would love to spend the night with you but what to do. I have a flight to catch at night.’ Or “I have an early morning flight to catch!”

I Have STD

Mic drop! This is one of the best excuses to avoid someone for a one night stand. If you say, ‘ I have STD’, who will dare to sleep with you? Even if you are drop dead gorgeous or a handsome hunk, nobody is going to take risk of sharing his/her bed with a person who has STD.

I Only Make Out In My Own Bed

Before the person says “Ok then let’s go to your place,” you should be ready with “I only like to make out at my place but I have guests tonight at home!” So, just tell them to hold their thoughts, let them fantasize about you and you can come out of the situation cleverly.

I Am Not Well

‘I am feeling dizzy’, ‘I had too many drinks tonight, I am about to throw up!’, then pretend to throw up on the person! Watch him/her scoot faster than lightning!

So, next time you are in a social gathering, just keep these hacks in mind and slay with your answers!