5 Travel Trends That Will Inspire Wanderlust In 2019

What will the new year have in store for travellers?

Image Credit: thetravelintern

If you think that you have done all the adventurous things, and that 2018 was the most fantastic year for your travel diary, you better gear up. The next year is going to bring many new trends and you would have to catch up with all the things happening this year. From hanging tents to Virtual Reality in travel to exploring your own village, 2019 is going to bring many new things for travelers.

Here are five important trends that could define wanderlust in 2019.

New Adventures On The Horizons

Slacklining is picking up in many Indian cities

Image Credit: lifehack

If you have done and dusted the adventure activities on beaches and mountains, then do not feel disappointed. 2019 will include many new things. Caving is important emerging trend, with major sites in Meghalaya. There are also places where you can stay in hanging tents on a cliff face. Stargazing has emerged as another important trend. And then Indians are getting introduced to many new sports like slacklining.

Ancestry Exploration Brings DNA Into Travel

Ancestry exploration is also driving wanderlust for many

Image Credit: Movie – Swades

Another important trend is exploring your own ancestry. Young Indians are trying to trace their own roots, speaking to elder family members, and spending time in their native villages, walking down lanes of history in the search for their own identity. Whether it is due to the existential crisis that many aspirational Indians face, or whether it is the exotic landscape that ancestry exploration offers, tracing your own roots is becoming an important travel trend.

Augmented Reality Is Going Places

Gandikota and such other lesser known destinations are being explored

Image Credit: themysteriousindia

Museums and cultural sites are using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to provide better experiences to travellers. With ever-improving headsets, apps and 360-degree content, it is already taking armchair travel to the next level and transporting anyone with a wi-fi connection to Africa, Serbia or even Moon.

Off The Beaten Track Is The Way To Go

Ecological awareness has become a necessity for the mountain lovers

Image Credit: news4ward

People will continue to explore unbeaten paths and lesser known destinations. Some have genuine curiosity and some just want to establish a larger footprint on the planet, but most travelers have given up on crowded beaches and congested hill stations. Whether it is the historical heritage at Maluti, or the mountains of Gandikota, or the hidden islands or the forgotten towns like the Danish colony in Tamil Nadu or the obscure Himalayan villages, travelers are searching for lesser known destinations.

Ecological Responsibility Will Become A Necessity To Travellers

The water shortage experienced in Shimla, Dalhousie and other hill stations last year has awoken the travellers to their environmental responsibility when they travel. No longer is it possible to load the mountains with tourists, and some places have already started limiting the number of travellers allowed. So, ecological awareness is going to influence travel a big way in the coming year.

These travel trends are something you should watch out for in 2019.